But not today! I un-strung Theorin and took his torso and legs out onto the patio and set to work with my dremel!
First I made the notch on the legs go down further. The green marks show about how far down it used to go since I don't have before and after pics. I was in too much of a hurry. I briefly thought about carving in a notch in the legs in the front (seen here as ugly scratch-like things) but I'll sand and smooth that out later. Luckily the realskin color goes all the way through so it wont' be discolored.
Then I took in the area in the front part of the hip joint so that the body could lean further forward. I also carved a notch into the upper torso joint to help the torso lock into position when he's leaning forward, but it ended up not being necessary and he can sit just fine without having to use it.
Here he is, sitting completely un-supported! He still leans back slightly, but it's not near as bad as before and I'm very relieved to not have to lean him against walls anymore!