1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
Sort of. I have a bit of a fabric and yarn hoard. I also collected figures for a while but once I got into bjds that sort of tapered off.
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
I like to ramble about things I like. I used to do this on Livejournal but then pretty much everyone I know stopped using LJ and I decided it would be nice to have a set theme to make it easier to look back over what I've done and when. (Rather than browsing through entries on every topic under the sun on LJ)
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
It's hard to choose just one but I'd have to say my top favorite is probably Auralion.
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
Wigs! (Does that count?) I love hair. It's probably the first thing I notice about just about anyone. I feel like having the right wig on a doll is the most important part of making sure they work for me. Even if the wig is exactly what I want for the character I have in mind, sometimes it just refuses to work with the mold I want and that just ruins the whole thing for me. Sometimes the wig is actually more important than the mold and I will sell it and start over if it won't work with the hair I want.
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course)?
Not off the top of my head. I used to have close to 40 SDs I think. I've downsized a fair bit but the tinies are starting to take over.
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
I briefly played piano as a small child. I am trying to teach myself how to play the violin.
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?
I visited Greece a few years back and it was amazing.
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
This is a question only a sadist would ask. I guess I'd say my hair.
9. Favourite book or movie?
This has always been a question I've struggled with. My favorites really change with my moods. I certainly do have particular ones I come back to again and again but it's often more that certain movies or books relax me because I'm so familiar with them.
10. If you could design your own doll, what would it look like?
It would most likely be an elf. Everything else would really depend on my mood.
As for the other stuff mentioned in the title: today baby Cail's head arrived and now he and Aura can be proper twins! I must try to give him a face up either tomorrow or sunday.
Aaaand I did a trade with someone on DoA and their half of the trade arrived today! I now have a Soom Amber from one of those full choice events, so she's in NS with Cuprit hooves. (Though she does still have the long finger hands and the antlers from Amber's fantasy parts)
I got her right before I had to run out to work so I wasn't able to get pics in natural lighting.
I'm quite happy with her though! Amber was one of those dolls I always really liked the look of, but I was never willing to pay after market prices for her. Not without having a character in mind. But with trades I tend to ask myself two questions: "is this a fair trade?" and "do I want what I'm being offered?"
And whether or not I actually have anything in mind doesn't really come up in my inner dialogue. I figure that the worst case scenario involves me selling whatever I got in the trade.
I'm really tired and kind of half dozing off between sentences so I think it's time to bring this to a close!