Tuesday, December 15, 2015

making wigs

I cannot recall if I mentioned my horrifying attempts at making little Theo a mohair wig. But it was horrible and I decided not to make any wigs for tinies again as a result.

And then the other night I decided to give it another shot since I had bought enough for several wigs and it felt like a waste not to use it.

This time I took into account what direction the hair was going when I cut my pieces, and it turned out much better.

I kept meaning to get better pictures of this in the day time and then it never happened so I've given up on waiting to be un-busy while the sun is up and have decided to just go ahead and do the entry before it's old news.

I originally intended this to be for Aura but it came out so fluffy that I just had to try it on Liss and I ended up liking it much better than the previous wig I made her.

So I ended up making Aura a different wig and giving Cail the one Aura was using previously.

Here is another one of my lovely post-sundown photos! I mainly switched their wigs because Aura previously had the wig on the right and it was darker than his skin, but Cail's head is blushed darker to match the body I put him on so if I'd given him the new wig (left) it would have been much paler than his skin. This way they both end up with wigs that are just slightly lighter than their skin, so it's more cohesive since they're twins. Ideally I will one day be able to get another body that matches the default skin tone but for now this will do!

I just need to make little Cail some appropriate clothes, finish Liss' dress, and then get everyone shoes and the little crew will be complete! Big first for me. I never finish any of my doll projects! Or... barely ever. I have a few that I consider completed.

On that note, I should update my projects list because I believe some of my projects are done and some of them are no longer relevant as key elements may have been sold or scrapped.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

trying to get back in the swing of things

I haven't really been feeling the bjd hobby for the past few months. Well... I haven't really been into any of my hobbies. Been sort of a job-hunting zombie.

And I've also just been busy.

But the other day I did my first face up in ages. I got a Twigling Eloy a few months back and he's just been sitting there on a spare body (I have a few of those now thanks to some head sales...) being all blank and stuff.

I considered just selling him because I wasn't sure I'd find the motivation to do anything with him, but then I got it in my head that I should give him a face up first to see if that helped.

So I dusted off my face up supplies and set to work.

Here is a terrible picture of him in the obligatory temp wig that half of all newbies wear at some point. My original idea (and like 90% of the reason I ended up buying him) was to have him be an older brother for my Lyse because I felt like they had similar features (particularly in the nose and eyes).

"But Lyse doesn't even have a name yet. What are you doing buying other dolls to be her siblings?" you might ask.

Well, you'd have a fair point and I can't say that I can fault your logic. I'm not sure my head was on right when I made this decision. It might help if I had an idea for a specific look for him. Not sure the fur wig is really doing him any favors. Also he's borrowing Kael's clothes cuz that's the body he's on and I don't currently have a head for Kael.

I should really sell some of the spare bodies though. That would be the smart thing to do.