I went a little mad with power and set up a domain name and wordpress sites for all my blogs (including this one) but after getting the others formatted the way I wanted I haven't had the energy to get around to working on Mein Kohl 2.0 just yet. So I'll just go ahead and post here for now.
I haven't done a whole lot in recent history. I went through a brief period where I was very tempted to just sell pretty much all but a few especially emotionally significant dolls and just be done with the hobby. I was not in an especially great place emotionally. Also I just haven't really had a proper fandom in ages to inspire me to do things.
But um... despite being really inactive and unmotivated in the hobby, I kept having people wanting to buy things I hadn't bumped in ages. Or do trades.
And then Selly got me to try playing League of Legends. And it was fun to have something new to do that had all kinds of cool character art and I sort of got hooked. In a fit of insanity, I decided to make my Unoa Xyle into one of the characters. But then, as I thought about it, I realized he just didn't have the right expression or posture or anything.
But one of the heads I'd been trying to sell for ages did so I gave it a new face up and a custom wig and after a few days of being unsure if I could get used to the head having a new character, I officially took down my sales thread. I have no pictures of that, sadly. Well I do but they're bad so we're moving on.
I also ended up with another Elfdoll Tasha. I had one years ago and sold it after deciding I just couldn't figure out what to do with it. So this time I thought I'd just avoid the issue I had before (which was that I didn't feel like it was pulling off a feminine enough look) and make the head a boy. Well, I messed up when painting around the eyes and rather than redo the face up, I just did some weird eyeliner stuff and ... long story short, I sat the head on a male body for like... a day maybe and didn't like it. And I tried it on a female body and felt like it fit so much better.
So she got a custom wig (I decided on electric blue for some reason) and I also made her some eyes because I didn't have any in the right size and color.
Right now all she has is an outfit I threw together from spare pieces. I don't have any spare girl clothes really. I need to start naming people and not just making up parts of looks for dolls that are just hanging around. I don't know why I keep doing this. XD