Wednesday, May 6, 2015

proper photos (among other things)

For a while now I have wanted to collect more tinies. I didn't really realize how fun they could be until I got my Sollux put together. I was very drawn to them initially and got Id (a Volks SwD Piccolo) very early on in my collection. However, I was going through a weird phase at the time where I felt the need to mod everything I got. I would do things like sand noses for no reason. I have no idea what I was thinking. But I opened his eyes even though I actually REALLY WANTED the sleepy version. I was dumb.

Of course, I was new and had no idea what I was doing, so I did the eye opening very poorly and for many years I just wasn't that attached to him. Then I opened his eyes more properly and was slightly happier but not a lot. And for another couple years I still felt only vaguely satisfied with him.

And then when I learned how to properly do additive mods I finally managed to get him to a point where I was actually happy with him. But by that point it had taken so long to get him where I wanted that I already had it in my mind that I didn't like the size and he was going to be my ONLY TINY.

A while later while doing Homestuck RP with my best friend, I decided I wanted dolls to represent the characters we were playing but I didn't want to shell out a fortune. So I got a tiny version of my character. This finally made me realize that tinies are adorable and I love them. XD

Long backstory is long. But anyway. for various reasons I've had it in my head that I want this group of Selly's and my characters from WoW as tinies. I was going to get ones for Aura and Cail first (because they're my babies) but then while browsing the marketplace I saw this picture of a Soom tiny with white hair. And I decided I NEEDED one to be Vaith.

So of course I couldn't resist temptation for long and I got one. He arrived today and I was able to utilize Statik's old wig for him but he was naked and I felt bad so I went out and got him some cheap Ken clothes. Sadly the selection is very lacking these days but for now he isn't naked and I will get him something better or make something or.. something.

Also I had better lighting so I can show Kael pics.

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