Sunday, July 19, 2015

New Lyric

I just haven't felt the same attachment to some of my dolls for a while and often that happens when I'm not actively in the hobby for a while so I gave it some time to see if it would pass. And for some of them it did but for others I just realized I wasn't really regaining interest.

So I started listing things for sale and considering options for replacing some of them (though others may not end up being replaced. We'll see). Anyway, after seeing someone's posts on tumblr, I fell for Or-doll's Orlando. I considered buying one but the wait time was off-putting so I decided I'd just put that on the back burner.

Well then a couple days later I saw one for sale on DoA for what I felt was a very good price and that eliminated the idea of wait times, so I bought it and decided I was going to make it my new Lyric. He's one of the ones I've been less than completely sold on lately, so I decided to rehome him.

Anyway, I wasn't really feeling it when the new head arrived so I let it sit in the head cabinet for about a week before touching it. Yesterday I finally decided to pull it out and give it a face up.

 I'm still deciding if it's quite working out like I wanted. I've already sold his previous head so there's really no turning back. I like the head. Something just feels slightly off. I think it might perhaps be the eyes or maybe the stronger jawline. Could also be the mouth. I'm so sensitive to the way the corners of mouths look. They have to be pretty much curved completely downward for me to even perceive them as neutral. Otherwise all I can see is a smile.

I suspect he'll grow on me. It's just going to be a bit of an adjustment.

I used to get so worked up about selling things I didn't think I'd ever be able to get back. Lyric's head (a Soom Olivine) and my former Ezsphrein's head (a Latidoll  Chaim) among other things. But I can't think of a single sale I've ever truly regretted and I just didn't see myself getting them new bodies or characters and if I did win the lottery and get them new bodies I didn't see myself doing much with them.

I also got a DBDoll Ronger in a trade recently. I'm about 90% sure I'm going to make him a mini Iltheridas. I haven't given him a face up yet because I haven't decided if he's going to be a living version of Ilthy or his undead self. Vaith is sort of an amalgamation of his living and dead traits so maybe I'll do something similar with mini Iltheridas. I'm sort of hoping inspiration will just strike me and I won't have to really sit down and think hard about it.

Maybe I'll just get out the face up supplies and just go nuts and see what happens. If I hate it I can always try again. I would like to get a feel for what he'd be like all properly put together. He has the most fantastic ears!

1 comment:

  1. I like the new Lyric. the features he's got are fantastic, though I do totally see his mouth as smiling. It's not a big smile, but I can't see him as neutral. But I do like the expression. I hit a point where neutral\expressionless dolls don't do it for me as much - which is funny considering my favorite mold....Still, I think he looks great.

    Mini versions of characters are fun!! Do it!! Ears are awesome. Just sayin.
