Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Custom eyes + Vaith

 Finally got around to redoing Doppelganger's eyes for the 5th? 6th? time. I have no idea what happened this time, but somehow the glittery bits moved around when I went to UV cure the eyes and they ended up mostly covering the pupils... I left them to dry for TWO DAYS. 

Oh well. We're just gonna call it 'good enough' for now. The color is good. The size is good. Who needs pupils? 

In other news, after I think 4ish years, I finally got around to giving my Twigling Elbe head a face up. I'd always planned to make this head into Vaith. I'm not entirely sure if this plan is working yet.

I feel like the overall structure is very much like how I imagine his face looking, but I may have gone a bit too wacky experimental with the face up. I don't know. I have confused feelings about this. I attempted to color match to the body but my efforts were foiled by the excessive amount of stuff I did to the face. Luckily Vaith is fully clothed like a thousand percent of the time, so when I eventually make him an outfit, that won't be much of an issue. 

Aaaand I gave Ezsphrein new eyes. I had gotten him custom eyes before but then when I switched heaads they didn't fit right anymore, so I had him in eyes that fit but were completely wrong and then I completely forgot about it. 

So here he is in some new black sclera eyes I made. I could have taken this picture outdoors and gotten a maybe halfway decent shot, but if I go out the dogs will want to go out (as seen in the first picture of Doppelganger) and then herding them back indoors while holding dolls can be a bit of a pain. 

At some point I should consider getting him a higher quality wig. This one doesn't entirely fit his head. I got it in MSD size like ... years and years and years ago, for my Latidoll Chaim (who was at the time portraying Esphrein). And his head was a lot shorter, so it fit well. Now that he is portrayed by a Souldoll Chiron, it fits but not well. I kind of have to choose between having it reach the right length in the back or the front, so I usually opt for like a middle ground so his hairline recedes on both sides. The style also doesn't work as well this way, so ... at some point. I should really upgrade. A lot of my older wigs are really frizzy and no longer very smooth looking either. 

I should make a list of people who need new wigs so I can start looking into that before I find too many new dolls to acquire. 

New wigs needed: 

  1. Orkas
  2. Eskilys
  3. Ezsphrein
  4. Anna
  5. Aura (all sizes)  

I think that's it. Should add to the projects page. 

Friday, September 11, 2020


 I did a partial trade on DoA and ended up with most of the Ringdoll Pan fullset outfit. I thought it would be a good fit for Doppelganger and he hasn't changed clothes in probably 10 years. 

I decided on a whim to try to swap out his eyes because his huuuuuge irises seemed off to me suddenly. I've been experimenting with 3d printing eyes, so I thought I'd make him a new pair. 

The first pair (top) came out with very large pupils and the dome was too low. The second pair (middle) got messed up because I was too impatient. And the third pair (bottom) turned out reasonably okay. But I still probably will go back in and increase the dome height again. I've been scaling it up proportionally but I think I need to make it come to more of a point in the middle. 

But for now, I am too tired to do another pair. So here he is in his new outfit and new eyes. I need to make some sort of lower arm cuffs/warmers to complete the ensemble. That was the only part missing from the outfit (there is also a hat but I'm not sure he can pull it off). 

I still need to finish giving him his scar on his face. Maybe this weekend.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Muse mockup


Ignore the odd angle on the hair compared to the face. I just wanted to see if it could work. I do think that this might actually work better than the Saka head, because it will be larger and a bit more mature. I already have a modded Shinydoll Thaasa body I can steal for the head (if I get the head separately). 

I actually just went searching for height comparisons between Shinydoll and Zaoll, only to realize I have access to both in person and had actually answered a request for that comparison myself at one point. XD 

After seeing my own results, I do think ideally I would like the Zaoll body at some point. I'd need to mod it, but almost all of the bodies that all of my iterations of Aura use are modded girl bodies (he's much more soft and androgynous than most male bodies I can find are). 


Going to attempt to redo or modify mini Aura's faceup later. I'm a bit intimidated because I have not been having great luck with using the 70% alcohol for faceup wiping, and I cannot find 90% anywhere...

Monday, September 7, 2020

more clothing stuff and a possible new doll project

 I decided to try redoing the robes for mini Aura's outfit. The red felt too overpowering, so I decided I'd try it in white. I have a moderate to severe fascination with brocades, so it is not a solid white (like perhaps it should have been).

He is super not-photogenic right now. I'm hoping the wig and eyelashes help, but I may have to give the face up another go. The outfit is pretty much done though. Except now I'm debating if the collar/tabard needs to be another color to stand out more. Or maybe have a border color. 

I think I also need to stop attempting blonde eyebrows. They just don't photograph well, and poor Aura looks like a ghost. 

I'm really excited for him to get a proper wig, though. I think that will help a lot. 

In other news, I've decided I want dolls for Aurelien (my FFXIV version of Aura, who has developed into his own character) and Varis. In order to get the height difference correct, Varis probably needs to be like 75cm and Aure needs to be like 50cm. 

After searching for a couple days, I mocked up a potential faceup on Souldolls' Saka. 

I'm still debating on if he looks tooooo young. But I think it could work? The other strong contender was Zaoll Muse.

Here is an image of what I have drawn him looking like. ^  

Perhaps I'll test a mock faceup on Muse tomorrow to see if that looks closer. My last resort is making an attempt at modding/sculpting/3d modeling something that is closer to how he looks. That is the route I will likely go for Varis since I have not been able to find something that I feel works right for him.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

an attempt at mini Aura's clothes

 I'm pretty bad at getting dolls, giving them a face up and getting them their proper hair and then letting them sit around in half-done clothes for all eternity. I have a few with proper outfits, but they're usually the ones where I was able to find something for sale that matched what I was going for. If I have to make something, there are about 1 of 3 ways it tends to go: 

1) I am too intimidated by the very idea to even get started. 

2) I make an attempt and end up hating it. 

3) I get a couple parts of the outfit done and run out of steam. 

Part of the problem is that I design things that are way beyond my skill level, so when I decided to make clothes for teen Aura, I set about designing something a little more simple. 

It's already a bit of a struggle to sew in 1/3 scale, but I figured it was worth a shot. I actually made patterns for once. I'm really bad about just eyeballing something and winging it with my sewing. 

Anyway, I wasn't careful enough to make muslin prototypes or anything, but I did try to be careful about my measurements and sew slowly. And it's not perfect, but here is what I have so far: 

 And here is a detail shot of the middle part: 

I'll probably redo the collar/tabard part because that part I did not measure and I ended up with some frayed edges because I didn't leave enough seam allowance. Other than that, it came out reasonably well, I think. There were a few parts I had to sew by hand, because they were just too small for me to feel confident doing them on the machine. 

I'm also considering doing the outer robe layer in another color, because I'm not sure about it. But we shall see. Thinking about maybe swapping to a white main robe and red accents. 

It is also a possibility that I'll be happier with this ensemble once he has proper hair. 

I still need to finish the edges on the red robe. I'm not sure if I want some trim on that or not, so I'm leaving it for now. It doesn't seem to be in any rush to fray, so that's good at least. 

Since I actually made a pattern for this, I'll likely do something similar in a different color scheme when I get a body for teen Cail.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Body Mods

It's been a very long time and I've started doing some stuff again. 

Can't recall if I mentioned this but I decided a long long time ago that MyDolling Heeah would be a great teen Aura but they didn't sell the heads separately. And then when they did their discontinuation sale they did sell them separately so I grabbed two so I could make Aura and Cail. 

 I got my skin tones confused and ordered them in a light tan instead of what I thought would be the more translucent resin, so I was a bit frustrated and put them in the head cabinet for years. 

 And then a couple weeks ago I threw one of the heads on my Dollzone Annie's body to test the fit and gave mini Aura a faceup. 


I went searching for a body I would like for him and ended up rather impulsively deciding that the Unoa Elder body was what I wanted. So I acquired an Unoa Elder Belia. It's been a long time since I've seen my Unoa Xyle's neck joint so I forgot that they had WACKY necks that don't work like normal bjd necks, so I was struggling for a few days with what to do. 

I wasn't sure I wanted to mod the neck because if this plan didn't work out I'd have messed up the body. And I also didn't want the Belia head to not be able to attach to anything. 

So I spent 3 days or so trying to mod the Heeah head to fit on the Unoa head back. And I FINALLY got the fit just right, only to discover I hadn't mixed my epoxy properly and it was all mushy and just oozed off. 

I wasn't enjoying the process anymore and didn't want to keep trying to make the head fit right when it clearly just did not want to cooperate, so I broke down and decided to do some neck mods after all. I decided to cut the neck off just below the weird flanged part at the top where the Belia head back fits and turn that into an adapter piece for the Belia head to fit on other bodies. And then I cut off the top half of the Dollzone neck to turn that into the new top of the Unoa body's neck. 

This is the Belia head and head back on the Dollzone body. If I decide she will stay on this body long term I will likely epoxy the neck piece in place. I'm still debating. It's an older body and not the most aesthetically appealing to me, but it poses well and is still quite functional. It will largely depend on how much clothing she ends up wearing, I suppose. 

And this is the upper part of the Unoa body with the Dollzone upper neck attached. The epoxy is still hardening, but afterward I will sand it smooth and blush it to match. It is just a little bit longer than I wanted it to be, so the Heeah head sits higher on it than is probably ideal. I'll test the fit with clothes before I do more mod work though, since Aura tends to wear high collars and it might end up being handy that his neck is overly long. 

It seems I never posted this but I started it last week.