Finally got around to redoing Doppelganger's eyes for the 5th? 6th? time. I have no idea what happened this time, but somehow the glittery bits moved around when I went to UV cure the eyes and they ended up mostly covering the pupils... I left them to dry for TWO DAYS.
Oh well. We're just gonna call it 'good enough' for now. The color is good. The size is good. Who needs pupils?
In other news, after I think 4ish years, I finally got around to giving my Twigling Elbe head a face up. I'd always planned to make this head into Vaith. I'm not entirely sure if this plan is working yet.
I feel like the overall structure is very much like how I imagine his face looking, but I may have gone a bit too wacky experimental with the face up. I don't know. I have confused feelings about this. I attempted to color match to the body but my efforts were foiled by the excessive amount of stuff I did to the face. Luckily Vaith is fully clothed like a thousand percent of the time, so when I eventually make him an outfit, that won't be much of an issue.
Aaaand I gave Ezsphrein new eyes. I had gotten him custom eyes before but then when I switched heaads they didn't fit right anymore, so I had him in eyes that fit but were completely wrong and then I completely forgot about it.
So here he is in some new black sclera eyes I made. I could have taken this picture outdoors and gotten a maybe halfway decent shot, but if I go out the dogs will want to go out (as seen in the first picture of Doppelganger) and then herding them back indoors while holding dolls can be a bit of a pain.
At some point I should consider getting him a higher quality wig. This one doesn't entirely fit his head. I got it in MSD size like ... years and years and years ago, for my Latidoll Chaim (who was at the time portraying Esphrein). And his head was a lot shorter, so it fit well. Now that he is portrayed by a Souldoll Chiron, it fits but not well. I kind of have to choose between having it reach the right length in the back or the front, so I usually opt for like a middle ground so his hairline recedes on both sides. The style also doesn't work as well this way, so ... at some point. I should really upgrade. A lot of my older wigs are really frizzy and no longer very smooth looking either.
I should make a list of people who need new wigs so I can start looking into that before I find too many new dolls to acquire.
New wigs needed:
- Orkas
- Eskilys
- Ezsphrein
- Anna
- Aura (all sizes)
I think that's it. Should add to the projects page.
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