Tuesday, April 22, 2014

arrivals and photos

Mirodoll was having this great sale on their stuff and I was perusing the site and contemplating buying a body just because they were so affordable, but I finally managed to talk myself out of it because I didn't really need one.

However, I did go ahead and order a small bust and some shoes.

Some of you may recall that at one point I replaced the bust part on Elaria with a Resinsoul one because I didn't envision her character with the enormous bazongas the Glamor Eve body was endowed with.

So the package arrived today and I tested the fit with the body. I was just assuming I'd need to mod it to make it fit but it looked great to me right out of the packaging so I just went ahead and redid her stringing with the new bust part.

The neck isn't a perfect fit and the arms were swallowed whole by the sockets, but hot glue sueding fixed the arm issue and at some point I can go and sand down the neck some but for now it doesn't bug me too much and I have so many other things I want to work on anyway.

I feel like her figure looks far more natural now than with the last attempt at giving her a smaller chest. I am very happy.

The shoes were for Avignon, so now she has a full proper ensemble. She doesn't have high heel feet so it took some effort to get these on right and she didn't really want to stand up. I could probably switch her feet with Selenor's since they're both WS but for now this is fine.

And lastly, here are a couple of full shots of Selenor's outfit with the new sleeve endings.

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