Sunday, April 20, 2014

outfit progress: Selenor

It shouldn't be terribly surprising to anyone that I didn't end up working on clothes for Batu. I thought about it, but I was far more excited about Selenor's potential outfit (which I have been saving materials for for months now) so I worked on that instead.

The head may not stick for her character (mainly because I feel it's too large for the body) but the body is pretty much stuck in that role now because the clothes are specifically made to fit it.

Anyway my idea started with a concept that involved pseudo wings being attached to her arms so I decided to make an outfit piece to attach those to.

I've seen a lot of tutorials lately that use this method of wrapping an area in plastic and then covering that with tape. Then you cut it off and get it to lay flat so you can use that to make your pattern. So I started with that.

Here is the piece after being cut away from her body.

I laid it out and drew a pattern based on it.

And then I arranged it on a piece of fabric. If I ever have to do this again I will not be using a stretch knit. It seemed like such a good idea in theory but it made the fit a little less than ideal.

Unfortunately, I got far too invested in working to take any more in progress pictures after that point. I had things pretty much planned out in my head until I found some of the old jewelry I had stockpiled from back when I was designing clothes for Aeri and Esyrlon. I experimented with this one piece that ended up becoming the chestplate and that completely altered my plans. For the better, I think.

Here is a picture of the outfit as it looks right now. I still need to add some plumage in the back and on the head and near the wrists but I am taking a break for now.

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