Saturday, May 31, 2014

minor update

I ended up cutting Iyrilaeth's hair after telling myself that I would just buy another of the wig if I hated myself for cutting it. But I don't, and it's perfect for him now! I've been meaning to get pictures but I've been distracted by other things and feeling mildly under the weather.

Also did a bit of face up practice. I think I may need to calm down on the reddish lines along the cheeks and across the nose. XD I think it's really cute but perhaps not appropriate for every character ever.

I should also give Iyrilaeth a proper face up (or at least touch up the one he has) since he looks almost like a blank head with eyebrows next to everyone else.


  1. Yay for hairs cutting! I'm glad it turned out! :D

    lol I started doing that blushed nose thing several years ago with one Alex and now I do it to everyone! If it's supposed to be cute I use pink, if not I go with tan...but it's for ALL THE DOLLS XD

    1. Me too! I was a bit worried and I really liked the wig in its default state, but it was the first one I'd found in the right color that would cut down to the right style. There's probably something out there I missed (or a lot of things) but I am not the best when it comes to locating proper wigs.

      I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with such a weakness for blushed noses that they end up doing it even when perhaps not character appropriate XD

    2. YES! I love it. Peakswoods did it to a doll a way back and everyone hated it, except me XD I think that's when I started doing it? I don't remember if it was Mini or Alex II....

      Wigs are tough. Especially if you have styles that just don't exist out there. My first wig-cutting was David's original wig, which was a limited color that has never been was terrifying. I only recently recut it! And lol I am always finding, like one hair, that's way longer than the rest, weeks and months and years after cutting a wig XD

    3. Mine started when I saw people draw noses like that on tumblr. And at first I was like "wow that's kinda weird" and then it sort of slowly wormed its way into my brain until I started finding it appealing XD

      Oh wow. Yeah I can see that being terrifying! Then you can't get another one if it doesn't work out! I have the same problem though. Those hair strands can be very sneaky..
