I cannot recall if I mentioned my horrifying attempts at making little Theo a mohair wig. But it was horrible and I decided not to make any wigs for tinies again as a result.
And then the other night I decided to give it another shot since I had bought enough for several wigs and it felt like a waste not to use it.
This time I took into account what direction the hair was going when I cut my pieces, and it turned out much better.
I kept meaning to get better pictures of this in the day time and then it never happened so I've given up on waiting to be un-busy while the sun is up and have decided to just go ahead and do the entry before it's old news.
I originally intended this to be for Aura but it came out so fluffy that I just had to try it on Liss and I ended up liking it much better than the previous wig I made her.
So I ended up making Aura a different wig and giving Cail the one Aura was using previously.
Here is another one of my lovely post-sundown photos! I mainly switched their wigs because Aura previously had the wig on the right and it was darker than his skin, but Cail's head is blushed darker to match the body I put him on so if I'd given him the new wig (left) it would have been much paler than his skin. This way they both end up with wigs that are just slightly lighter than their skin, so it's more cohesive since they're twins. Ideally I will one day be able to get another body that matches the default skin tone but for now this will do!
I just need to make little Cail some appropriate clothes, finish Liss' dress, and then get everyone shoes and the little crew will be complete! Big first for me. I never finish any of my doll projects! Or... barely ever. I have a few that I consider completed.
On that note, I should update my projects list because I believe some of my projects are done and some of them are no longer relevant as key elements may have been sold or scrapped.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
trying to get back in the swing of things
I haven't really been feeling the bjd hobby for the past few months. Well... I haven't really been into any of my hobbies. Been sort of a job-hunting zombie.
And I've also just been busy.
But the other day I did my first face up in ages. I got a Twigling Eloy a few months back and he's just been sitting there on a spare body (I have a few of those now thanks to some head sales...) being all blank and stuff.
I considered just selling him because I wasn't sure I'd find the motivation to do anything with him, but then I got it in my head that I should give him a face up first to see if that helped.
So I dusted off my face up supplies and set to work.
Here is a terrible picture of him in the obligatory temp wig that half of all newbies wear at some point. My original idea (and like 90% of the reason I ended up buying him) was to have him be an older brother for my Lyse because I felt like they had similar features (particularly in the nose and eyes).
"But Lyse doesn't even have a name yet. What are you doing buying other dolls to be her siblings?" you might ask.
Well, you'd have a fair point and I can't say that I can fault your logic. I'm not sure my head was on right when I made this decision. It might help if I had an idea for a specific look for him. Not sure the fur wig is really doing him any favors. Also he's borrowing Kael's clothes cuz that's the body he's on and I don't currently have a head for Kael.
I should really sell some of the spare bodies though. That would be the smart thing to do.
And I've also just been busy.
But the other day I did my first face up in ages. I got a Twigling Eloy a few months back and he's just been sitting there on a spare body (I have a few of those now thanks to some head sales...) being all blank and stuff.
I considered just selling him because I wasn't sure I'd find the motivation to do anything with him, but then I got it in my head that I should give him a face up first to see if that helped.
So I dusted off my face up supplies and set to work.
Here is a terrible picture of him in the obligatory temp wig that half of all newbies wear at some point. My original idea (and like 90% of the reason I ended up buying him) was to have him be an older brother for my Lyse because I felt like they had similar features (particularly in the nose and eyes).
"But Lyse doesn't even have a name yet. What are you doing buying other dolls to be her siblings?" you might ask.
Well, you'd have a fair point and I can't say that I can fault your logic. I'm not sure my head was on right when I made this decision. It might help if I had an idea for a specific look for him. Not sure the fur wig is really doing him any favors. Also he's borrowing Kael's clothes cuz that's the body he's on and I don't currently have a head for Kael.
I should really sell some of the spare bodies though. That would be the smart thing to do.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
memes and new stuff!
1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
Sort of. I have a bit of a fabric and yarn hoard. I also collected figures for a while but once I got into bjds that sort of tapered off.
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
I like to ramble about things I like. I used to do this on Livejournal but then pretty much everyone I know stopped using LJ and I decided it would be nice to have a set theme to make it easier to look back over what I've done and when. (Rather than browsing through entries on every topic under the sun on LJ)
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
It's hard to choose just one but I'd have to say my top favorite is probably Auralion.
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
Wigs! (Does that count?) I love hair. It's probably the first thing I notice about just about anyone. I feel like having the right wig on a doll is the most important part of making sure they work for me. Even if the wig is exactly what I want for the character I have in mind, sometimes it just refuses to work with the mold I want and that just ruins the whole thing for me. Sometimes the wig is actually more important than the mold and I will sell it and start over if it won't work with the hair I want.
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course)?
Not off the top of my head. I used to have close to 40 SDs I think. I've downsized a fair bit but the tinies are starting to take over.
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
I briefly played piano as a small child. I am trying to teach myself how to play the violin.
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?
I visited Greece a few years back and it was amazing.
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
This is a question only a sadist would ask. I guess I'd say my hair.
9. Favourite book or movie?
This has always been a question I've struggled with. My favorites really change with my moods. I certainly do have particular ones I come back to again and again but it's often more that certain movies or books relax me because I'm so familiar with them.
10. If you could design your own doll, what would it look like?
It would most likely be an elf. Everything else would really depend on my mood.
As for the other stuff mentioned in the title: today baby Cail's head arrived and now he and Aura can be proper twins! I must try to give him a face up either tomorrow or sunday.
Aaaand I did a trade with someone on DoA and their half of the trade arrived today! I now have a Soom Amber from one of those full choice events, so she's in NS with Cuprit hooves. (Though she does still have the long finger hands and the antlers from Amber's fantasy parts)
I got her right before I had to run out to work so I wasn't able to get pics in natural lighting.
I'm quite happy with her though! Amber was one of those dolls I always really liked the look of, but I was never willing to pay after market prices for her. Not without having a character in mind. But with trades I tend to ask myself two questions: "is this a fair trade?" and "do I want what I'm being offered?"
And whether or not I actually have anything in mind doesn't really come up in my inner dialogue. I figure that the worst case scenario involves me selling whatever I got in the trade.
I'm really tired and kind of half dozing off between sentences so I think it's time to bring this to a close!
Sort of. I have a bit of a fabric and yarn hoard. I also collected figures for a while but once I got into bjds that sort of tapered off.
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
I like to ramble about things I like. I used to do this on Livejournal but then pretty much everyone I know stopped using LJ and I decided it would be nice to have a set theme to make it easier to look back over what I've done and when. (Rather than browsing through entries on every topic under the sun on LJ)
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
It's hard to choose just one but I'd have to say my top favorite is probably Auralion.
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
Wigs! (Does that count?) I love hair. It's probably the first thing I notice about just about anyone. I feel like having the right wig on a doll is the most important part of making sure they work for me. Even if the wig is exactly what I want for the character I have in mind, sometimes it just refuses to work with the mold I want and that just ruins the whole thing for me. Sometimes the wig is actually more important than the mold and I will sell it and start over if it won't work with the hair I want.
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course)?
Not off the top of my head. I used to have close to 40 SDs I think. I've downsized a fair bit but the tinies are starting to take over.
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
I briefly played piano as a small child. I am trying to teach myself how to play the violin.
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?
I visited Greece a few years back and it was amazing.
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
This is a question only a sadist would ask. I guess I'd say my hair.
9. Favourite book or movie?
This has always been a question I've struggled with. My favorites really change with my moods. I certainly do have particular ones I come back to again and again but it's often more that certain movies or books relax me because I'm so familiar with them.
10. If you could design your own doll, what would it look like?
It would most likely be an elf. Everything else would really depend on my mood.
As for the other stuff mentioned in the title: today baby Cail's head arrived and now he and Aura can be proper twins! I must try to give him a face up either tomorrow or sunday.
Aaaand I did a trade with someone on DoA and their half of the trade arrived today! I now have a Soom Amber from one of those full choice events, so she's in NS with Cuprit hooves. (Though she does still have the long finger hands and the antlers from Amber's fantasy parts)
I got her right before I had to run out to work so I wasn't able to get pics in natural lighting.
I'm quite happy with her though! Amber was one of those dolls I always really liked the look of, but I was never willing to pay after market prices for her. Not without having a character in mind. But with trades I tend to ask myself two questions: "is this a fair trade?" and "do I want what I'm being offered?"
And whether or not I actually have anything in mind doesn't really come up in my inner dialogue. I figure that the worst case scenario involves me selling whatever I got in the trade.
I'm really tired and kind of half dozing off between sentences so I think it's time to bring this to a close!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
New Lyric
I just haven't felt the same attachment to some of my dolls for a while and often that happens when I'm not actively in the hobby for a while so I gave it some time to see if it would pass. And for some of them it did but for others I just realized I wasn't really regaining interest.
So I started listing things for sale and considering options for replacing some of them (though others may not end up being replaced. We'll see). Anyway, after seeing someone's posts on tumblr, I fell for Or-doll's Orlando. I considered buying one but the wait time was off-putting so I decided I'd just put that on the back burner.
Well then a couple days later I saw one for sale on DoA for what I felt was a very good price and that eliminated the idea of wait times, so I bought it and decided I was going to make it my new Lyric. He's one of the ones I've been less than completely sold on lately, so I decided to rehome him.
Anyway, I wasn't really feeling it when the new head arrived so I let it sit in the head cabinet for about a week before touching it. Yesterday I finally decided to pull it out and give it a face up.
I'm still deciding if it's quite working out like I wanted. I've already sold his previous head so there's really no turning back. I like the head. Something just feels slightly off. I think it might perhaps be the eyes or maybe the stronger jawline. Could also be the mouth. I'm so sensitive to the way the corners of mouths look. They have to be pretty much curved completely downward for me to even perceive them as neutral. Otherwise all I can see is a smile.
I suspect he'll grow on me. It's just going to be a bit of an adjustment.
I used to get so worked up about selling things I didn't think I'd ever be able to get back. Lyric's head (a Soom Olivine) and my former Ezsphrein's head (a Latidoll Chaim) among other things. But I can't think of a single sale I've ever truly regretted and I just didn't see myself getting them new bodies or characters and if I did win the lottery and get them new bodies I didn't see myself doing much with them.
I also got a DBDoll Ronger in a trade recently. I'm about 90% sure I'm going to make him a mini Iltheridas. I haven't given him a face up yet because I haven't decided if he's going to be a living version of Ilthy or his undead self. Vaith is sort of an amalgamation of his living and dead traits so maybe I'll do something similar with mini Iltheridas. I'm sort of hoping inspiration will just strike me and I won't have to really sit down and think hard about it.
Maybe I'll just get out the face up supplies and just go nuts and see what happens. If I hate it I can always try again. I would like to get a feel for what he'd be like all properly put together. He has the most fantastic ears!
So I started listing things for sale and considering options for replacing some of them (though others may not end up being replaced. We'll see). Anyway, after seeing someone's posts on tumblr, I fell for Or-doll's Orlando. I considered buying one but the wait time was off-putting so I decided I'd just put that on the back burner.
Well then a couple days later I saw one for sale on DoA for what I felt was a very good price and that eliminated the idea of wait times, so I bought it and decided I was going to make it my new Lyric. He's one of the ones I've been less than completely sold on lately, so I decided to rehome him.
Anyway, I wasn't really feeling it when the new head arrived so I let it sit in the head cabinet for about a week before touching it. Yesterday I finally decided to pull it out and give it a face up.
I'm still deciding if it's quite working out like I wanted. I've already sold his previous head so there's really no turning back. I like the head. Something just feels slightly off. I think it might perhaps be the eyes or maybe the stronger jawline. Could also be the mouth. I'm so sensitive to the way the corners of mouths look. They have to be pretty much curved completely downward for me to even perceive them as neutral. Otherwise all I can see is a smile.
I suspect he'll grow on me. It's just going to be a bit of an adjustment.
I used to get so worked up about selling things I didn't think I'd ever be able to get back. Lyric's head (a Soom Olivine) and my former Ezsphrein's head (a Latidoll Chaim) among other things. But I can't think of a single sale I've ever truly regretted and I just didn't see myself getting them new bodies or characters and if I did win the lottery and get them new bodies I didn't see myself doing much with them.
I also got a DBDoll Ronger in a trade recently. I'm about 90% sure I'm going to make him a mini Iltheridas. I haven't given him a face up yet because I haven't decided if he's going to be a living version of Ilthy or his undead self. Vaith is sort of an amalgamation of his living and dead traits so maybe I'll do something similar with mini Iltheridas. I'm sort of hoping inspiration will just strike me and I won't have to really sit down and think hard about it.
Maybe I'll just get out the face up supplies and just go nuts and see what happens. If I hate it I can always try again. I would like to get a feel for what he'd be like all properly put together. He has the most fantastic ears!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
tiny sewing projects
I decided to make little Aura some clothes. Only I couldn't find the material I had initially intended to use so I decided to use this scrap of red velvet. I always tell myself "you should draft a pattern and make a mock up" and then I always shoosh myself and say "nah we got this!"
I didn't really think through how I wanted it to attach in the front so the buttons are primarily there to hide the stitching on the snaps. My initial plan was those enclosures like duffle coats have but I thought maybe that was a bit weird for velvet. So snaps happened. somehow. So much more classy, right?
I didn't really think through how I wanted it to attach in the front so the buttons are primarily there to hide the stitching on the snaps. My initial plan was those enclosures like duffle coats have but I thought maybe that was a bit weird for velvet. So snaps happened. somehow. So much more classy, right?
Monday, July 6, 2015
projects and things
My ongoing project lately is shelling cast of Selly's and my WoW characters as tinies. We've talked about things like this before but never really got around to making it happen. But this time it is looking like it actually will.
My Soom Keny is little Vaith, and then I got a Souldoll Frith in a trade to make into Selly's little Theo. She also got another doll from a company called Kids-Sky that I had never heard of before and that one is little Ivalise.
Which brings us to the first topic I wanted to talk about. I've been working on some sort of temporary outfit for little Liss and the first one turned out terrible so I decided to start over. I made decent progress on my new outfit last night and then today I messed up the next part but I think I know how to make it better when I do it again. After work I shall give it another go.
I also bought a couple dolls to be Aura and Cail to finish out the group a little over a month ago but then I saw this listing on DoA for a doll I'd never noticed before. An Aileen Doll Cedric. Apparently the initial release had him with both a cyclops head and an elfy sort of head but i'd only ever seen the cyclops head and wasn't interested. However, the elf head looked perfect for little Aura.
Because I had already gotten another doll to be Aura, I ignored the sales thread for close to two months. Or I tried to. I checked in on it regularly, vaguely hoping that someone else would snatch him up so I would no longer be tempted. Finally, I decided that Aura was too important a character for me to settle for anything less than what I considered perfect for him, so when I sold a head for enough money to buy Cedric I went for it.
He arrived today and he is so perfect for little Aura. He has such uniquely posed hands and his little non-jointed torso makes him sit and stand up so straight, which is wonderful for wee nobility. And his facial features look very much like he could grow up into my adult Aura.
I will be slightly disappointed if this means that he doesn't look enough like my potential Cailath but I will live.
little Aura has a face up. I am not yet sure how I feel about it yet.
My Soom Keny is little Vaith, and then I got a Souldoll Frith in a trade to make into Selly's little Theo. She also got another doll from a company called Kids-Sky that I had never heard of before and that one is little Ivalise.
Which brings us to the first topic I wanted to talk about. I've been working on some sort of temporary outfit for little Liss and the first one turned out terrible so I decided to start over. I made decent progress on my new outfit last night and then today I messed up the next part but I think I know how to make it better when I do it again. After work I shall give it another go.
I also bought a couple dolls to be Aura and Cail to finish out the group a little over a month ago but then I saw this listing on DoA for a doll I'd never noticed before. An Aileen Doll Cedric. Apparently the initial release had him with both a cyclops head and an elfy sort of head but i'd only ever seen the cyclops head and wasn't interested. However, the elf head looked perfect for little Aura.
Because I had already gotten another doll to be Aura, I ignored the sales thread for close to two months. Or I tried to. I checked in on it regularly, vaguely hoping that someone else would snatch him up so I would no longer be tempted. Finally, I decided that Aura was too important a character for me to settle for anything less than what I considered perfect for him, so when I sold a head for enough money to buy Cedric I went for it.
He arrived today and he is so perfect for little Aura. He has such uniquely posed hands and his little non-jointed torso makes him sit and stand up so straight, which is wonderful for wee nobility. And his facial features look very much like he could grow up into my adult Aura.
I will be slightly disappointed if this means that he doesn't look enough like my potential Cailath but I will live.
little Aura has a face up. I am not yet sure how I feel about it yet.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
dressmaking and that's about it
We'll start with the lighthearted stuff.
I felt bad that my Cerisedolls Lyse (who is still sadly nameless because I keep prioritizing other things) was still sitting around in a baggy plaid shirt while other people had gotten custom clothes.
So I threw together a quick dress for her.
I'm not sure any of these really showcase how the dress looks/functions but they were the ones that came out okay so that's what we're going with for now.
I could not locate much in the way of white fabric so the bottom is sheer. I will make a proper lining for it when I locate my material. I know I have some somewhere. I really wanted to make her something in light blue, but I have no light blue at all. Only dark blue.
It's a bit later than I thought so we'll skip the rambling for now and save it for another time.
I felt bad that my Cerisedolls Lyse (who is still sadly nameless because I keep prioritizing other things) was still sitting around in a baggy plaid shirt while other people had gotten custom clothes.
So I threw together a quick dress for her.
I'm not sure any of these really showcase how the dress looks/functions but they were the ones that came out okay so that's what we're going with for now.
I could not locate much in the way of white fabric so the bottom is sheer. I will make a proper lining for it when I locate my material. I know I have some somewhere. I really wanted to make her something in light blue, but I have no light blue at all. Only dark blue.
It's a bit later than I thought so we'll skip the rambling for now and save it for another time.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
I haven't gotten any good pictures of the newly assembled body/head combo in the previous posts. I don't have any proper clothes for her yet so she's just wearing this black coat that obscures any sense of figure for the most part so it really doesn't look any different at the moment from the original pictures.
However, my Unoa Xyle (mentioned two posts ago) arrived and I set about giving him a face up and making him some properly fitting clothes.
I was doing such a good job of avoiding oddly sized dolls despite multiple temptations in the 51cm range. Alas, Unoas are my weakness.
Here he is in his new sweater. I need to see about styling his wig so it doesn't cover half his face. Or making him another wig. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with him yet. But I did make myself sell some things to make up for my impulse buy and I've decided I cannot get any new dolls until all of the ones I currently own have clothes and names.
However, my Unoa Xyle (mentioned two posts ago) arrived and I set about giving him a face up and making him some properly fitting clothes.
I was doing such a good job of avoiding oddly sized dolls despite multiple temptations in the 51cm range. Alas, Unoas are my weakness.
Here he is in his new sweater. I need to see about styling his wig so it doesn't cover half his face. Or making him another wig. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing with him yet. But I did make myself sell some things to make up for my impulse buy and I've decided I cannot get any new dolls until all of the ones I currently own have clothes and names.
Monday, June 8, 2015
mods, cont...
A couple days ago I finally decided to do some additive work on the mod project. And then I let it sit a while longer because I used the cheap epoxy (I wasn't sure I wanted to waste a bunch of the good stuff on something that not only might not be permanent but also might end up a horrible abomination).
Well anyway between the cheap epoxy which doesn't match the body at all and the horrific uneven mess that was my dremel work I just wasn't sure this was going anywhere.
But I finally decided to do some sanding work and here are some pictures of the results:
So at this point I took the body over to the airbrushing and face up station and made a rough attempt at color matching.
Behold the truly horrendous fruits of my labor! I felt like it looked better prior to the paint job when I saw how these pictures turned out but as it sits here on my desk with a fan blowing on it to dry the paint, I'm less distressed. I think it was just the sub par lighting combined with the paint still being all shiny making it look terrible.
Well anyway between the cheap epoxy which doesn't match the body at all and the horrific uneven mess that was my dremel work I just wasn't sure this was going anywhere.
But I finally decided to do some sanding work and here are some pictures of the results:
So here you can see what I meant about the epoxy not matching the body at all. The sanding job is not at all perfect but I felt it was good enough for the time being. I wanted to paint over it and do a trial run with the head to see how things were coming along. Also the heat was brutal and I was dying.
So at this point I took the body over to the airbrushing and face up station and made a rough attempt at color matching.
As soon as I'm sure the paint is dry I am going to give it a few coats of sealant and try the head with it and see how things look.
Monday, June 1, 2015
So I had this brilliant plan. Go to Yahoo!Japan and search for a cheap used SD13 girl body and so some minor mods and I figured that would be pretty in line with what I wanted for the head that has made an appearance in the last few posts.
Well, I happened upon an Unoa Xyle and with the yen being so weak against the dollar right now it was a really good deal. I tried to talk myself out of it and stick to the plan, but I failed. I told myself I would bid once and ignore the auction until it was over and I kind of figured someone else would come along and snag it out from under me, but they didn't and I ended up winning.
So that puts a new girl body on the back burner for a while. But I decided I did want something at least semi functional as a temporary and I kind of liked the proportions with the head and the ancient Customhouse body it had been sitting on, so I decided to see about maybe modding that to work as a temporary.
It's very rough right now because I was just trying to get as much generic shaping in as possible before the dremel ran out of batteries. I have a corded one but it only has one speed setting and I find it very hard to work with at times. I'll likely do a bit of additive work as well and then sand the top part smooth. And then I'll do some work on the lower torso as well.
Luckily these old bodies have such thick resin that you can do things like shave off large chunks without damaging structural integrity. That's part of why I was considering an old SD13 because I knew there would be plenty of room for mod work.
I haven't decided yet if I will do anything to the arms. The legs should be fine as is. I might also take the time to refine the lower torso joint I made years ago since it doesn't match anything at all. Or I might just put the lower torso back together to make it easier to sculpt on. But we'll see. A lot depends on how happy I end up with it as I go along. If I end up liking it enough then maybe this will end up being a more permanent solution. And if I don't then I won't want to spend as much time on it if it's going to be replaced anyway.
But so far I feel like the general roughed in shape of things is coming along okay. Once the dremel is recharged I'll probably work on it some more.
I wanted something that wasn't on the super super tiny side, but a lot of female bodies I see these days that are not super tiny tend to be extremely busty. And I kind of felt like that wasn't really the direction I wanted to go with this particular project. I did find a few that might work but most of them weren't going to pose any better than this body anyway so it didn't really feel like a terribly worthwhile expense.
One of Doll Chateau's bodies really appealed to me but the price tag and the wait time really didn't.
Well, I happened upon an Unoa Xyle and with the yen being so weak against the dollar right now it was a really good deal. I tried to talk myself out of it and stick to the plan, but I failed. I told myself I would bid once and ignore the auction until it was over and I kind of figured someone else would come along and snag it out from under me, but they didn't and I ended up winning.
So that puts a new girl body on the back burner for a while. But I decided I did want something at least semi functional as a temporary and I kind of liked the proportions with the head and the ancient Customhouse body it had been sitting on, so I decided to see about maybe modding that to work as a temporary.
It's very rough right now because I was just trying to get as much generic shaping in as possible before the dremel ran out of batteries. I have a corded one but it only has one speed setting and I find it very hard to work with at times. I'll likely do a bit of additive work as well and then sand the top part smooth. And then I'll do some work on the lower torso as well.
Luckily these old bodies have such thick resin that you can do things like shave off large chunks without damaging structural integrity. That's part of why I was considering an old SD13 because I knew there would be plenty of room for mod work.
I haven't decided yet if I will do anything to the arms. The legs should be fine as is. I might also take the time to refine the lower torso joint I made years ago since it doesn't match anything at all. Or I might just put the lower torso back together to make it easier to sculpt on. But we'll see. A lot depends on how happy I end up with it as I go along. If I end up liking it enough then maybe this will end up being a more permanent solution. And if I don't then I won't want to spend as much time on it if it's going to be replaced anyway.
But so far I feel like the general roughed in shape of things is coming along okay. Once the dremel is recharged I'll probably work on it some more.
I wanted something that wasn't on the super super tiny side, but a lot of female bodies I see these days that are not super tiny tend to be extremely busty. And I kind of felt like that wasn't really the direction I wanted to go with this particular project. I did find a few that might work but most of them weren't going to pose any better than this body anyway so it didn't really feel like a terribly worthwhile expense.
One of Doll Chateau's bodies really appealed to me but the price tag and the wait time really didn't.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Somewhat inspired by the Lisbeth Salander comparison, I decided new dude/lady/person needed some piercings. I completely forgot to work on that yesterday after work, but then as I was going to bed it suddenly occurred to me.
My initial thought was "okay keep this in mind and definitely work on it tomorrow" but my then my second thought was "you'll forget about it tomorrow." So I jumped out of bed and grabbed my tiny drill and some jump rings and set to work.
Here is a side shot to show the ear piercings. I need to get out the x-acto knife and neaten up the hot glue near the ear. It looks a little yucky.
And in this one you can see the lip and eyebrow piercings. If I was to do it over again I'd probably make the eyebrows piercings look less like they are going DIRECTLY INTO THE SKULL but oh well. I regret nothing. Might add more later. Not sure yet. For now I am pleased. I didn't bother with the other ear because even trying to find it underneath the mass of hair was a challenge.
My initial thought was "okay keep this in mind and definitely work on it tomorrow" but my then my second thought was "you'll forget about it tomorrow." So I jumped out of bed and grabbed my tiny drill and some jump rings and set to work.
And in this one you can see the lip and eyebrow piercings. If I was to do it over again I'd probably make the eyebrows piercings look less like they are going DIRECTLY INTO THE SKULL but oh well. I regret nothing. Might add more later. Not sure yet. For now I am pleased. I didn't bother with the other ear because even trying to find it underneath the mass of hair was a challenge.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
I had another post started...
And then a package arrived and I ran off to get it and then I spent something like six hours rearranging furniture and troubleshooting my computer and I lost my progress. Not that I'd made much.
I've been sort of re-evaluating things (that seems to be the case a lot lately) and I'm thinking of selling a lot of dolls. There are several I just never do anything with and whose characters aren't really essential to their group. I'm debating on some but others I'm fairly certain I just won't really do much with.
I was actually debating a bit whether I still had any interest in the SD size over the past few days. I've just been enjoying the smaller ones a lot more lately.
This morning I actually went and took pictures of a lot of my larger dolls and was contemplating setting up sales on DoA, but then I decided I wanted to attempt to make a weird sort of wig for head2 that got a face up yesterday so I figured I could put off sales threads for a while.
Well, wig making kind of turned things around for me and reminded me that I do enjoy my larger dolls. I haven't had any real direction or inspired ideas for them in a while and this was the first time I had something in mind that I really wanted to see realized. And while the results aren't perfect, I enjoyed the process and I think the result is kind of neat!
I probably just need to buckle down and design some clothes or hairstyles for a few of those awaiting such things. It would probably up my enjoyment factor significantly.
It's uh... something like a scene mullet crossbred with a faux hawk. I'm not really sure. It's probably the most unconventional hairstyle I have ever given to a doll. I kind of hated it at first just because it wasn't quite lining up with my mental vision, but it's grown on me. I'm now debating whether this is going to be a boy or a girl. Or maybe some sort of androgynous being. I don't know. I haven't made up my mind yet.
I've been sort of re-evaluating things (that seems to be the case a lot lately) and I'm thinking of selling a lot of dolls. There are several I just never do anything with and whose characters aren't really essential to their group. I'm debating on some but others I'm fairly certain I just won't really do much with.
I was actually debating a bit whether I still had any interest in the SD size over the past few days. I've just been enjoying the smaller ones a lot more lately.
This morning I actually went and took pictures of a lot of my larger dolls and was contemplating setting up sales on DoA, but then I decided I wanted to attempt to make a weird sort of wig for head2 that got a face up yesterday so I figured I could put off sales threads for a while.
Well, wig making kind of turned things around for me and reminded me that I do enjoy my larger dolls. I haven't had any real direction or inspired ideas for them in a while and this was the first time I had something in mind that I really wanted to see realized. And while the results aren't perfect, I enjoyed the process and I think the result is kind of neat!
I probably just need to buckle down and design some clothes or hairstyles for a few of those awaiting such things. It would probably up my enjoyment factor significantly.
It's uh... something like a scene mullet crossbred with a faux hawk. I'm not really sure. It's probably the most unconventional hairstyle I have ever given to a doll. I kind of hated it at first just because it wasn't quite lining up with my mental vision, but it's grown on me. I'm now debating whether this is going to be a boy or a girl. Or maybe some sort of androgynous being. I don't know. I haven't made up my mind yet.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
I really need to stop being lazy about setting up the tripod
I decided I wanted to work on some face ups today. Not really for anything in particular but just for practice.
Was trying to decide who I wanted to practice on when I happened upon my L-bi, who has never actually had a proper face up since I got him. He came from Yahoo!Japan with a partially done face up and all I ever did was give him eyebrows in the right color for the characters I used him for.
So I decided I wanted to do his face. And then I also decided while I was at it I would screw around with my modded Iplehouse Jessica head that used to be Orkas.
He came out a little more sunburnt looking than I wanted, but I'll redo it another time. For now it is at least semi functional. I had him in this blonde wig I made when his new body arrived but I just didn't ever really like it. It was a bit too fluffy for his head.
I was pondering making something else when I remembered that I had planned to make him my new Nazoe. So I dug out Nazoe's wig (which has transitioned multiple times in size, starting as a size 9/10, then modded down to a 7/8, and now down to a 6/7) and took that in to fit his little head. I'm much happier with this than I was with the blonde.
It looks a bit like one of the default L-bi wigs if I recall correctly. XD
And next up I was just screwing around. No idea what on earth I wanted to do with the other head cuz it's pretty much a spare and I did all these mods to it and also crushed part of it between a desk and a wall so I don't think it really has any resale value to speak of. But I don't know what I want to do with it. So I guess it's a practice head now. I dont' know. Might go back to my old old plan of making it into Layne.
But that is neither here nor there.
I was mostly just messing around with blushing and shading. And then I decided I wanted to go for the no eyebrows look like Lisbeth Salander or something. I dunno. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not sure what sort of wig I want to use though so for now there's some baldness action going down.
Possibly something white or black and very spikey. I dunno.
Was trying to decide who I wanted to practice on when I happened upon my L-bi, who has never actually had a proper face up since I got him. He came from Yahoo!Japan with a partially done face up and all I ever did was give him eyebrows in the right color for the characters I used him for.
So I decided I wanted to do his face. And then I also decided while I was at it I would screw around with my modded Iplehouse Jessica head that used to be Orkas.
He came out a little more sunburnt looking than I wanted, but I'll redo it another time. For now it is at least semi functional. I had him in this blonde wig I made when his new body arrived but I just didn't ever really like it. It was a bit too fluffy for his head.
I was pondering making something else when I remembered that I had planned to make him my new Nazoe. So I dug out Nazoe's wig (which has transitioned multiple times in size, starting as a size 9/10, then modded down to a 7/8, and now down to a 6/7) and took that in to fit his little head. I'm much happier with this than I was with the blonde.
It looks a bit like one of the default L-bi wigs if I recall correctly. XD
And next up I was just screwing around. No idea what on earth I wanted to do with the other head cuz it's pretty much a spare and I did all these mods to it and also crushed part of it between a desk and a wall so I don't think it really has any resale value to speak of. But I don't know what I want to do with it. So I guess it's a practice head now. I dont' know. Might go back to my old old plan of making it into Layne.
But that is neither here nor there.
I was mostly just messing around with blushing and shading. And then I decided I wanted to go for the no eyebrows look like Lisbeth Salander or something. I dunno. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not sure what sort of wig I want to use though so for now there's some baldness action going down.
Possibly something white or black and very spikey. I dunno.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
tiny clothing
At some point I just need to buckle down and sew more often because I never let myself get comfortable enough with it to really improve much. But it's intimidating--especially in doll size. People clothes are easy. There's so much room for error. 1/6 size clothes... well, you mess up a tiny bit and the whole thing is completely non-functional.
I was going to just buy something for little Vaith, but I couldn't find anything in his style. I was really tempted to just get something cute and generic, but I finally decided to look at patterns and tutorials online to give making something myself a go before investing in something that wouldn't quite work for him (but would be darn cute).
Found a few patterns for hoodies (cuz I had it in my head that he needed a hoodie) and set about attempting to make one. It was supposed to be some easy tutorial for making one and I thought it'd be a great way to sort of wade back into sewing. Well, I messed up at pretty much every turn and ended up having to make it the normal way you'd make a shirt instead of the easy way.
On the one hand, this proves that I actually can sew (which I always doubt when making doll size things) but on the other hand he now doesn't have a hood because I botched that part so badly I ended up just going with a collar. I messed up a bit there too and it's huge and he looks like the love child of Sith and Akatsuki fashion design.
Running out the door to visit my mom for mother's day before work so I didn't have much time to take better pictures!
I was going to just buy something for little Vaith, but I couldn't find anything in his style. I was really tempted to just get something cute and generic, but I finally decided to look at patterns and tutorials online to give making something myself a go before investing in something that wouldn't quite work for him (but would be darn cute).
Found a few patterns for hoodies (cuz I had it in my head that he needed a hoodie) and set about attempting to make one. It was supposed to be some easy tutorial for making one and I thought it'd be a great way to sort of wade back into sewing. Well, I messed up at pretty much every turn and ended up having to make it the normal way you'd make a shirt instead of the easy way.
On the one hand, this proves that I actually can sew (which I always doubt when making doll size things) but on the other hand he now doesn't have a hood because I botched that part so badly I ended up just going with a collar. I messed up a bit there too and it's huge and he looks like the love child of Sith and Akatsuki fashion design.
Running out the door to visit my mom for mother's day before work so I didn't have much time to take better pictures!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
proper photos (among other things)
For a while now I have wanted to collect more tinies. I didn't really realize how fun they could be until I got my Sollux put together. I was very drawn to them initially and got Id (a Volks SwD Piccolo) very early on in my collection. However, I was going through a weird phase at the time where I felt the need to mod everything I got. I would do things like sand noses for no reason. I have no idea what I was thinking. But I opened his eyes even though I actually REALLY WANTED the sleepy version. I was dumb.
Of course, I was new and had no idea what I was doing, so I did the eye opening very poorly and for many years I just wasn't that attached to him. Then I opened his eyes more properly and was slightly happier but not a lot. And for another couple years I still felt only vaguely satisfied with him.
And then when I learned how to properly do additive mods I finally managed to get him to a point where I was actually happy with him. But by that point it had taken so long to get him where I wanted that I already had it in my mind that I didn't like the size and he was going to be my ONLY TINY.
A while later while doing Homestuck RP with my best friend, I decided I wanted dolls to represent the characters we were playing but I didn't want to shell out a fortune. So I got a tiny version of my character. This finally made me realize that tinies are adorable and I love them. XD
Long backstory is long. But anyway. for various reasons I've had it in my head that I want this group of Selly's and my characters from WoW as tinies. I was going to get ones for Aura and Cail first (because they're my babies) but then while browsing the marketplace I saw this picture of a Soom tiny with white hair. And I decided I NEEDED one to be Vaith.
So of course I couldn't resist temptation for long and I got one. He arrived today and I was able to utilize Statik's old wig for him but he was naked and I felt bad so I went out and got him some cheap Ken clothes. Sadly the selection is very lacking these days but for now he isn't naked and I will get him something better or make something or.. something.
Also I had better lighting so I can show Kael pics.
Of course, I was new and had no idea what I was doing, so I did the eye opening very poorly and for many years I just wasn't that attached to him. Then I opened his eyes more properly and was slightly happier but not a lot. And for another couple years I still felt only vaguely satisfied with him.
And then when I learned how to properly do additive mods I finally managed to get him to a point where I was actually happy with him. But by that point it had taken so long to get him where I wanted that I already had it in my mind that I didn't like the size and he was going to be my ONLY TINY.
A while later while doing Homestuck RP with my best friend, I decided I wanted dolls to represent the characters we were playing but I didn't want to shell out a fortune. So I got a tiny version of my character. This finally made me realize that tinies are adorable and I love them. XD
Long backstory is long. But anyway. for various reasons I've had it in my head that I want this group of Selly's and my characters from WoW as tinies. I was going to get ones for Aura and Cail first (because they're my babies) but then while browsing the marketplace I saw this picture of a Soom tiny with white hair. And I decided I NEEDED one to be Vaith.
So of course I couldn't resist temptation for long and I got one. He arrived today and I was able to utilize Statik's old wig for him but he was naked and I felt bad so I went out and got him some cheap Ken clothes. Sadly the selection is very lacking these days but for now he isn't naked and I will get him something better or make something or.. something.
Also I had better lighting so I can show Kael pics.
Monday, May 4, 2015
face ups
Today I did the first face up I have done in months. Fiiiiinally gave Kael's new head a face up and I went into it with NO idea what I was aiming for and that almost always leads to disaster. I just had this weird mish-mash of traits I liked in other face ups I'd seen recently and then of course since I"m out of practice I fell back on certain things I'm just very used to doing. So... um. stuff.
I really have no idea where I was going with this and I'm tired so ... here's a picture. It's bad because I'd lost the light and the room I was using has inadequate lighting but it'll do for now.
I really have no idea where I was going with this and I'm tired so ... here's a picture. It's bad because I'd lost the light and the room I was using has inadequate lighting but it'll do for now.
--okay nevermind
It was even worse than I remembered
Pictures tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
temporary fixes
I always kind of marvel at the number of things I seem to have neglected to mention on here. A lot of things from last year, really. I was not in the best place emotionally and sometimes I just didn't feel like talking about stuff as it happened I guess.
But I'm feeling chatty again so have some information on something I neglected to talk about before.
Sometime last year (I cannot for the life of me remember exactly when) I acquired a Blossom Doll Molly head in a trade (at least I'm fairly certain it was a trade? I could be mis-remembering) and I briefly tried to put it on my white skin Impldoll body but I didn't like the proportions so much and I also had already made clothes for that body that I didn't feel suited the head. So I put the original head back on that body (which is also too large for it) and Molly ended up in the head cabinet.
I spent most of the pursuing months on and off looking for a cheap body for the head. I strongly considered one from Mirodoll because they're just so darned affordable, but ultimately I decided the amount of work I'd have to put into it to make it work the way I wanted it to would not be worth it.
Then April Story had their closing sale and I was very very tempted because I felt like their bodies were far more elegant and well sculpted and the price was really good. But ultimately I decided to be financially responsible and I passed on it.
Fast forward to about a month ago. I had enough spare money to afford something relatively inexpensive (as I had not yet gathered the motivation to start selling things) so I put up a WTB thread and set a maximum I was willing to pay and within a day three people had gotten back to me. One of the three had an April Story body up for offer and I jumped on that offer.
Because of the seller's class schedule they were not able to ship until last week, and yesterday the body arrived.
Sadly, it is still too small for the head but it will do for now. Initially it really bothered me but it doesn't so much now.
I couldn't find a wig I liked on the head until I tried on Aura's old fiber wig. I was about to get set up the boiling water to make it lay flat again (because I'd boiled the back to make it capable of being in a high ponytail) but then I got this idea to try to style it.
I initially wanted some sort of bun, but I was having a great deal of difficulty getting it to stay in place as the hair was just a little bit too short to wrap around itself enough.
So I decided to try a braid. But the high braid look wasn't working quite as well as it did in my head, so I ended up wrapping the braid into a sort of bun type deal and holding it in place with toothpicks. But then she had hair still hanging down in the back (cuz that was part of how Aura's hair was styled) and too much visible wig cap, so I was messing with ways to pull the rest of the hair back and ended up doing yet another braid along the base of her neck. It looked fairly ridiculous so I looped it around and pinned it onto the braid bun and it still looks fairly ridiculous but oh well. It'll do for now!
Have some pictures.
I could not get the side shot to come out clearly for some reason.
And here she is from the front. There are an absurd amount of flyaways because the wig was boiled to lay in a very specific position. At some point I may boil it again in its current position to calm that down, but for now it doesn't bother me much.
My other temporary fix was to give little Sollux one of Id's spare shirts that he never uses.
This is a truly horrendous picture but for some reason he would not cooperate. The shirt is ridiculously out of character for him but at least he's not half naked like he was before. I need to make so many clothes and I'm having such a hard time motivating myself to sew. I suppose I could do something crazy like buy clothes but finding the right sorts of things is so hard...
But I'm feeling chatty again so have some information on something I neglected to talk about before.
Sometime last year (I cannot for the life of me remember exactly when) I acquired a Blossom Doll Molly head in a trade (at least I'm fairly certain it was a trade? I could be mis-remembering) and I briefly tried to put it on my white skin Impldoll body but I didn't like the proportions so much and I also had already made clothes for that body that I didn't feel suited the head. So I put the original head back on that body (which is also too large for it) and Molly ended up in the head cabinet.
I spent most of the pursuing months on and off looking for a cheap body for the head. I strongly considered one from Mirodoll because they're just so darned affordable, but ultimately I decided the amount of work I'd have to put into it to make it work the way I wanted it to would not be worth it.
Then April Story had their closing sale and I was very very tempted because I felt like their bodies were far more elegant and well sculpted and the price was really good. But ultimately I decided to be financially responsible and I passed on it.
Fast forward to about a month ago. I had enough spare money to afford something relatively inexpensive (as I had not yet gathered the motivation to start selling things) so I put up a WTB thread and set a maximum I was willing to pay and within a day three people had gotten back to me. One of the three had an April Story body up for offer and I jumped on that offer.
Because of the seller's class schedule they were not able to ship until last week, and yesterday the body arrived.
Sadly, it is still too small for the head but it will do for now. Initially it really bothered me but it doesn't so much now.
I couldn't find a wig I liked on the head until I tried on Aura's old fiber wig. I was about to get set up the boiling water to make it lay flat again (because I'd boiled the back to make it capable of being in a high ponytail) but then I got this idea to try to style it.
I initially wanted some sort of bun, but I was having a great deal of difficulty getting it to stay in place as the hair was just a little bit too short to wrap around itself enough.
So I decided to try a braid. But the high braid look wasn't working quite as well as it did in my head, so I ended up wrapping the braid into a sort of bun type deal and holding it in place with toothpicks. But then she had hair still hanging down in the back (cuz that was part of how Aura's hair was styled) and too much visible wig cap, so I was messing with ways to pull the rest of the hair back and ended up doing yet another braid along the base of her neck. It looked fairly ridiculous so I looped it around and pinned it onto the braid bun and it still looks fairly ridiculous but oh well. It'll do for now!
Have some pictures.
I could not get the side shot to come out clearly for some reason.
And here she is from the front. There are an absurd amount of flyaways because the wig was boiled to lay in a very specific position. At some point I may boil it again in its current position to calm that down, but for now it doesn't bother me much.
My other temporary fix was to give little Sollux one of Id's spare shirts that he never uses.
This is a truly horrendous picture but for some reason he would not cooperate. The shirt is ridiculously out of character for him but at least he's not half naked like he was before. I need to make so many clothes and I'm having such a hard time motivating myself to sew. I suppose I could do something crazy like buy clothes but finding the right sorts of things is so hard...
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Lyse Photos
Okay so here are the promised pictures of my Cerisedolls Lyse! Yesterday it was very dark and rainy and I could not get anything that looked even half good enough to be photoshopped into something other than an abomination.
Today the lighting is better so I was able to use photoshop to make something SLIGHTLY less abominable. When I get more money I'm getting something better than a point an shoot that might as well be "baby's first camera". It's the worst. XD
I am adding a cut since there will be some NSFW pics. I tried to get some of her clothed but since she wears an enormous shirt half the time (because I've been too lazy to sew. Also I don't know what I want her to wear yet) it hides her figure and makes her arms look awkward.
Today the lighting is better so I was able to use photoshop to make something SLIGHTLY less abominable. When I get more money I'm getting something better than a point an shoot that might as well be "baby's first camera". It's the worst. XD
I am adding a cut since there will be some NSFW pics. I tried to get some of her clothed but since she wears an enormous shirt half the time (because I've been too lazy to sew. Also I don't know what I want her to wear yet) it hides her figure and makes her arms look awkward.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
selling things
I've been considering selling some things for a while but I get unreasonably attached even to things I don't plan to use.
I recently pulled out the sleeping Vivien head I modded and decided I liked it a lot better than I originally thought. Probably even better than the default head. I am very reluctant to sell either (despite having no need for TWO Vivien heads) because I know it is very unlikely that I will ever get a chance to own this head again.
After agonizing over it for a few days I put the default Vivien head up for sale on DoA. I love the head and it works really well for the character, arguably better than the one I modded, but I just don't feel that... pull. There's no sense of attachment. But there is with the one I modded, so I've decided I'm going to keep that one.
I also decided I'm really never going to make use of my Sist Bully face again or the Impldoll Charles head that came with the body I got for my L-bi.
And after holding onto it for a bazillion years after I wasn't using it anymore, I also listed my Latidoll Chaim head. This is another one I know I will never get back if I let it go and I'm not sure if anyone will even be interested in it so many years after its release but it's just sitting around doing nothing in the head cabinet so I might as well see if someone else wants it.
I did not list my Soom Sphaler even though I probably should have. I completely forgot I even had the head (which is never a good sign) but I'm going to give it more time to think about whether or not I want to pursue the project I had in mind for the head.
In other news, some other sales went through and I was able to gather enough funds to acquire a secondhand Lillycat/Cerisedolls Lyse. She'd been on my wishlist for a while and even when I wasn't sure when/if I would ever find time and motivation for the hobby again, I still wanted her.
She's in cream skin instead of caramel like I originally wanted, but she's absolutely lovely and I'm completely smitten. I don't own anything that fits her so she's been sitting around in a massively oversized plaid shirt I got at one point when my friend was considering making a Marshall Lee doll.
Her posing is FANTASTIC and so natural. She makes almost everyone else look so stiff and lifeless by comparison.
I will have to try to get pictures later! For now I must be off to work!
I recently pulled out the sleeping Vivien head I modded and decided I liked it a lot better than I originally thought. Probably even better than the default head. I am very reluctant to sell either (despite having no need for TWO Vivien heads) because I know it is very unlikely that I will ever get a chance to own this head again.
After agonizing over it for a few days I put the default Vivien head up for sale on DoA. I love the head and it works really well for the character, arguably better than the one I modded, but I just don't feel that... pull. There's no sense of attachment. But there is with the one I modded, so I've decided I'm going to keep that one.
I also decided I'm really never going to make use of my Sist Bully face again or the Impldoll Charles head that came with the body I got for my L-bi.
And after holding onto it for a bazillion years after I wasn't using it anymore, I also listed my Latidoll Chaim head. This is another one I know I will never get back if I let it go and I'm not sure if anyone will even be interested in it so many years after its release but it's just sitting around doing nothing in the head cabinet so I might as well see if someone else wants it.
I did not list my Soom Sphaler even though I probably should have. I completely forgot I even had the head (which is never a good sign) but I'm going to give it more time to think about whether or not I want to pursue the project I had in mind for the head.
In other news, some other sales went through and I was able to gather enough funds to acquire a secondhand Lillycat/Cerisedolls Lyse. She'd been on my wishlist for a while and even when I wasn't sure when/if I would ever find time and motivation for the hobby again, I still wanted her.
She's in cream skin instead of caramel like I originally wanted, but she's absolutely lovely and I'm completely smitten. I don't own anything that fits her so she's been sitting around in a massively oversized plaid shirt I got at one point when my friend was considering making a Marshall Lee doll.
Her posing is FANTASTIC and so natural. She makes almost everyone else look so stiff and lifeless by comparison.
I will have to try to get pictures later! For now I must be off to work!
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