Friday, October 9, 2020

3d modeling [new doll projects]

I've been on and off working on trying to make a custom head in zbrush. 

I got it in my head that I wanted dolls for my FFXIV version of Aura, Aurelien, who is at this point pretty much his own character who just happens to have a very similar name to Auralion. I shipped him with Varis, so I wanted a Varis as well. 

As Garleans are just OUTRAGEOUSLY tall, I decided on a 75cm body for Varis. I've commissioned a custom head for Varis from an artist I found on Etsy. I gave her his in game model, some reference pics, and the measurements I needed. And she added details and made things appropriate for a bjd body. 

I'm pretty stoked about it! But it'll be a while before the body I've chosen is here, so this will be more of a long term project. 

I'm not sure why I didn't go the same route with Aure. I guess because I didn't have any solid references in 3d and I wasn't confident that I could really get across what I needed to just with my drawings. Most of the facial structure info on him is tucked away in my head. 

So I downloaded Zbrush Core Mini (their free, very limited version of Zbrush) and set to work. 

This was what I came up with in there. I couldn't do certain things like add some nice spheres to help me plot out the eye shape properly, so I decided to get a more proper version when possible. Sold some things and used the proceeds to get the full version of Zbrush Core. (Wasn't quite ready to shell out for full Zbrush just yet) 

So I spent more time on the head, added some proper eye spheres to work around, and this is roughly where I'm at now: 

I need to redo the ears, and I've been putting that off because it's proving to be rather challenging. I've figured out a reasonably good method in blender, but not in Zbrush. I also need to give him teeth so he can do the sexy rabbit dentures face. 

In order to get him the right height compared to Varis, he can probably be around 50cm at max. I've considered just saying 'screw it' and making him larger just to make my life easier in terms of finding a body and not having to worry about him looking wildly out of proportion with everyone else, but I don't know. It's a bit difficult since I don't have a body the right size to test him out on. And I'm not sure my 3d printer will do a good enough job of capturing the details I need. 

A small part of me is also contemplating attempting to sculpt a body for him as well, since finding something that works perfectly for him does not seem possible. I want something lean and very androgynous. A lot of 50cm bodies are either very masculine or very feminine from what I've seen. the body I'm most leaning toward, Dream Valley's 50cm body, is pretty good in that it's not overly masculine. It also appears to have a reasonably good butt (very important). I'm just not sure how the head would work with it proportionally without having it in hand.

I have a new plan for how I might want to fix up the head for printing though. I may see about acquiring a body before I spend too much time on that so I don't have to waste too many prints if I can avoid it. We shall see. 

I'm also planning to attempt to redo regular Auralion's face up today. I wiped it the other day and used windsor and newton brush cleaner for the first time. SO MUCH EASIER than alcohol and a magic eraser. 

I mocked up what I might want his face to look like so that I'll have a reference and I'm not just making things up as I go (which is what I normally do, with very mixed results). 

Here is kind of what I am thinking. But with more gradient on the upper lip so it doesn't look so solid. The mockup looks kind of dumb, but I tested putting on hair and I think it should look pretty okay? Hopefully. Can always try again if it does not.

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