Friday, March 15, 2013

mini projects

I got on a bit of a selling things kick and ended up doing a few trades and fun stuff like that.

The first thing I got in a partial trade was a Leon Kennedy Minimee head. Ever since seeing Enzyme's on DoA, I've kind of wanted one.

Anyway, the one I got had been modded and the eyes were opened more. The above picture is how it looked when it arrived. I forgot to take my own pictures so that's one of the sales pictures. I decided I would just mod the eyes into a more serviceable shape. The default eyes for the sculpt looked almost closed to me so I sort of just chose a shape to sculpt them into.

Here's the head after a round of epoxying. I haven't sanded them at all yet so they're pretty uneven. But I did get some eyes for him.

I got a really good (in my opinion) deal on a Resinsoul immature bust, which I put on Elaria's body since I really didn't intend for hers to be as big as the default one that came with her.  NSFW picture of the new bust on her body.

The fit isn't perfect so I will have to do some modding, but for now I feel like it looks fine with clothes on. Behold my glorious photoshop skills trying to hide the mess that is my house.!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

a busy day

As mentioned in my last post, I decided to sell some things because I needed IOS Infernale. There is an 80-85% chance he will be my Istthraen, a character I have wanted in doll form for years.

Anyway, with one of my sales I was asked if I could do another face up on the head for them. I was a little nervous about that since I've only ever done face ups for myself and Selly.

I did sort of a 'mock up' version yesterday, laying down the general colors and blushing to give the person an idea of what I was getting from their request, and after getting the go ahead I started on the real version today. Luckily, they were online and I was able to get feedback relatively quickly after sending them new pictures!

Between messages, I started work on a new robe for Auralion. His old one was just cotton and I figured he'd want something a little more ostentatious than that. I had this sort of idea that I might want to do the robe in black but I wasn't 100% sure that would look okay, so I made both versions.

I also made his pseudo-tabard thingy but it came out way too wide and kinda wonky so I'll have to revise that later. I'm not sure if the black would work okay if the thing didn't cover most of the lower half, but for now I'm pretty sure I like the red better.

 Here is the face up I spent most of the day on and off working on. Some of the blushing detail is lost because indoor lighting tends to do that. But it shows the basics of it reasonably well.

Now I just need to figure out what I can use as a face protector for shipping since I'm not sure I have any around.

Friday, March 8, 2013

selling things to afford other things

My title is the most descriptive thing in the history of descriptive things that are descriptive.

Oh yeah.!

I fell off the face of the bjd hobby for a bit (as I am prone to doing on a semi-regular basis). Usually it's a few months on, a few months off. It's a cycle.

Anyway, I was drawn back in by the completion of IOS' Infernale

I only want his head but I was worried I wouldn't be able to afford it. But it ended up being the push I needed to finally sell some things I'd been not entirely happy with for a while, so now I can afford him. All is well.

I am excited!