Monday, May 25, 2015


Somewhat inspired by the Lisbeth Salander comparison, I decided new dude/lady/person needed some piercings. I completely forgot to work on that yesterday after work, but then as I was going to bed it suddenly occurred to me.

My initial thought was "okay keep this in mind and definitely work on it tomorrow" but my then my second thought was "you'll forget about it tomorrow." So I jumped out of bed and grabbed my tiny drill and some jump rings and set to work.

 Here is a side shot to show the ear piercings. I need to get out the x-acto knife and neaten up the hot glue near the ear. It looks a little yucky.

And in this one you can see the lip and eyebrow piercings. If I was to do it over again I'd probably make the eyebrows piercings look less like they are going DIRECTLY INTO THE SKULL but oh well. I regret nothing. Might add more later. Not sure yet. For now I am pleased. I didn't bother with the other ear because even trying to find it underneath the mass of hair was a challenge.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I had another post started...

And then a package arrived and I ran off to get it and then I spent something like six hours rearranging furniture and troubleshooting my computer and I lost my progress. Not that I'd made much.

I've been sort of re-evaluating things (that seems to be the case a lot lately) and I'm thinking of selling a lot of dolls. There are several I just never do anything with and whose characters aren't really essential to their group. I'm debating on some but others I'm fairly certain I just won't really do much with.

I was actually debating a bit whether I still had any interest in the SD size over the past few days. I've just been enjoying the smaller ones a lot more lately.

This morning I actually went and took pictures of a lot of my larger dolls and was contemplating setting up sales on DoA, but then I decided I wanted to attempt to make a weird sort of wig for head2 that got a face up yesterday so I figured I could put off sales threads for a while.

Well, wig making kind of turned things around for me and reminded me that I do enjoy my larger dolls. I haven't had any real direction or inspired ideas for them in a while and this was the first time I had something in mind that I really wanted to see realized. And while the results aren't perfect, I enjoyed the process and I think the result is kind of neat!

I probably just need to buckle down and design some clothes or hairstyles for a few of those awaiting such things. It would probably up my enjoyment factor significantly.

It's uh... something like a scene mullet crossbred with a faux hawk. I'm not really sure. It's probably the most unconventional hairstyle I have ever given to a doll. I kind of hated it at first just because it wasn't quite lining up with my mental vision, but it's grown on me. I'm now debating whether this is going to be a boy or a girl. Or maybe some sort of androgynous being. I don't know. I haven't made up my mind yet.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I really need to stop being lazy about setting up the tripod

I decided I wanted to work on some face ups today. Not really for anything in particular but just for practice.

Was trying to decide who I wanted to practice on when I happened upon my L-bi, who has never actually had a proper face up since I got him. He came from Yahoo!Japan with a partially done face up and all I ever did was give him eyebrows in the right color for the characters I used him for.

So I decided I wanted to do his face. And then I also decided while I was at it I would screw around with my modded Iplehouse Jessica head that used to be Orkas.

He came out a little more sunburnt looking than I wanted, but I'll redo it another time. For now it is at least semi functional. I had him in this blonde wig I made when his new body arrived but I just didn't ever really like it. It was a bit too fluffy for his head.

I was pondering making something else when I remembered that I had planned to make him my new Nazoe. So I dug out Nazoe's wig (which has transitioned multiple times in size, starting as a size 9/10, then modded down to a 7/8, and now down to a 6/7) and took that in to fit his little head. I'm much happier with this than I was with the blonde.

It looks a bit like one of the default L-bi wigs if I recall correctly. XD

And next up I was just screwing around. No idea what on earth I wanted to do with the other head cuz it's pretty much a spare and I did all these mods to it and also crushed part of it between a desk and a wall so I don't think it really has any resale value to speak of. But I don't know what I want to do with it. So I guess it's a practice head now. I dont' know. Might go back to my old old plan of making it into Layne.

But that is neither here nor there.

I was mostly just messing around with blushing and shading. And then I decided I wanted to go for the no eyebrows look like Lisbeth Salander or something. I dunno. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not sure what sort of wig I want to use though so for now there's some baldness action going down.

Possibly something white or black and very spikey. I dunno.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

tiny clothing

At some point I just need to buckle down and sew more often because I never let myself get comfortable enough with it to really improve much. But it's intimidating--especially in doll size. People clothes are easy. There's so much room for error. 1/6 size clothes... well, you mess up a tiny bit and the whole thing is completely non-functional.

I was going to just buy something for little Vaith, but I couldn't find anything in his style. I was really tempted to just get something cute and generic, but I finally decided to look at patterns and tutorials online to give making something myself a go before investing in something that wouldn't quite work for him (but would be darn cute).

Found a few patterns for hoodies (cuz I had it in my head that he needed a hoodie) and set about attempting to make one. It was supposed to be some easy tutorial for making one and I thought it'd be a great way to sort of wade back into sewing. Well, I messed up at pretty much every turn and ended up having to make it the normal way you'd make a shirt instead of the easy way.

On the one hand, this proves that I actually can sew (which I always doubt when making doll size things) but on the other hand he now doesn't have a hood because I botched that part so badly I ended up just going with a collar. I messed up a bit there too and it's huge and he looks like the love child of Sith and Akatsuki fashion design.

Running out the door to visit my mom for mother's day before work so I didn't have much time to take better pictures!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

proper photos (among other things)

For a while now I have wanted to collect more tinies. I didn't really realize how fun they could be until I got my Sollux put together. I was very drawn to them initially and got Id (a Volks SwD Piccolo) very early on in my collection. However, I was going through a weird phase at the time where I felt the need to mod everything I got. I would do things like sand noses for no reason. I have no idea what I was thinking. But I opened his eyes even though I actually REALLY WANTED the sleepy version. I was dumb.

Of course, I was new and had no idea what I was doing, so I did the eye opening very poorly and for many years I just wasn't that attached to him. Then I opened his eyes more properly and was slightly happier but not a lot. And for another couple years I still felt only vaguely satisfied with him.

And then when I learned how to properly do additive mods I finally managed to get him to a point where I was actually happy with him. But by that point it had taken so long to get him where I wanted that I already had it in my mind that I didn't like the size and he was going to be my ONLY TINY.

A while later while doing Homestuck RP with my best friend, I decided I wanted dolls to represent the characters we were playing but I didn't want to shell out a fortune. So I got a tiny version of my character. This finally made me realize that tinies are adorable and I love them. XD

Long backstory is long. But anyway. for various reasons I've had it in my head that I want this group of Selly's and my characters from WoW as tinies. I was going to get ones for Aura and Cail first (because they're my babies) but then while browsing the marketplace I saw this picture of a Soom tiny with white hair. And I decided I NEEDED one to be Vaith.

So of course I couldn't resist temptation for long and I got one. He arrived today and I was able to utilize Statik's old wig for him but he was naked and I felt bad so I went out and got him some cheap Ken clothes. Sadly the selection is very lacking these days but for now he isn't naked and I will get him something better or make something or.. something.

Also I had better lighting so I can show Kael pics.

Monday, May 4, 2015

face ups

Today I did the first face up I have done in months. Fiiiiinally gave Kael's new head a face up and I went into it with NO idea what I was aiming for and that almost always leads to disaster. I just had this weird mish-mash of traits I liked in other face ups I'd seen recently and then of course since I"m out of practice I fell back on certain things I'm just very used to doing. So... um. stuff.

I really have no idea where I was going with this and I'm tired so ... here's a picture. It's bad because I'd lost the light and the room I was using has inadequate lighting but it'll do for now.

--okay nevermind
It was even worse than I remembered
Pictures tomorrow.