Thursday, May 19, 2016

a list of things to do

Been trying to sell some stuff on DoA that I just don't do anything with anymore. I've somehow accumulated a mess of bodies and heads that aren't seeing any use and that I have no plans for...

Anyway, I'm a sucker for trades so when someone offered me a trade for an old Domuya Flexi-body I couldn't say no. I got some jointed hands and a Little Monica head out of the deal. The hands were mainly what I wanted, but they offered the head to avoid adding any extra funds on their part and I accepted. The head is actually really cute in person. I'm not entirely sure what I'll do with it, but for now it's on a spare body looking pretty cute.

The jointed hands are in a light tan color so my best options for usage were Orkas and Shinozaki. Orkas wears gloves so it felt like a waste, but they fit well on Shino and the color is actually a decent enough match to the tan I dyed him.

It's dark out today so my natural lighting shots actually came out worse than my indoor lighting ones. Lame.

Anyway... I wanted to make a list for myself of things to do.


Firstly, I need to update my doll list with some new pictures for some people and some first time pictures for others who aren't listed there. I removed some who are no longer with me already.

-Id needs a new photo. He is currently being portrayed by a Dollsbe Raspberry.
-Defliel needs a new photo. He has gotten a new face up since the last one. 
-Statik needs a new photo. He has had mods done and gotten a new face up since the last one.
-Loren needs a new photo and some proper clothes. Has had a complete mold switch since last one.
-all the tinies need profile photos (Aura, Cail, Theo, Liss, Vaith)
-Ezreal needs a profile photo.
-my as-yet-unnamed Unoa Xyle needs a profile photo and new face up.
-my as-yet-unnamed Batchix Dark Elf needs a profile photo and pants.
-my as-yet-unnamed Bishonenhouse Vince/Steve hybrid needs a face up, clothes, and profile photo.
-my Elfdoll Tasha (tentatively named Ellana) needs a profile photo and pants.
-my Cerisedolls Lyse (tentatively named Clarice) needs a profile photo that isn't naked.
-my as-yet-unnamed Soom Amber needs clothing and a profile photo.

And as I mentioned in a previous post, I really need to get around to giving people names and characters.