Sunday, July 15, 2012

body modifications continued

I had this idea that included moving the entire shoulder joint on the Angelsdoll body down a bit. But then I decided that was a bit extreme. So I decided instead to just sand down the shoulders a bit so that they slope more, because it doesn't bother me on the naked body, but when clothed it looks like the body is eternally shrugging its shoulders.

I still haven't bothered to fix the abs so they don't look like they just spontaneously cut off there, but the shoulders now slope more. I've included a picture of how they looked before for reference. I also fixed the joint on the left arm so that it doesn't have to be out at an angle all the time (the smaller 'before' picture is how the arm was when completely at rest).

Beside the body, you can see Batu's head drying off after being airbrushed. It's taking quite a while due to all the humidity so I'm going to just give it a few hours under the fan in my room. I have to leave for a family gathering anyway so I can finish giving him a new face when I get back.

Last night I took a bead reamer to his lips to give them more depth. I'm not sure if it will be at all apparent in photos, but I'm much happier with them in person.

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