Monday, July 30, 2012

more learning experiences

So I'm fine with half-assing things when I think no one else but me has to see it. It's one of the reasons I was willing to work at improving my face up skills rather than commissioning people.

Anyway, my last post showcased (or more like tried not to showcase) my terrible face up skills after a dye job. And Selly came home and examined one of those face ups. As always, Selly is very polite about these things and never says anything bad, but I felt stupid having someone see my work in person where a camera can't hide the flaws. XD

So I hastily wiped Esky's face, scolding myself for my stupidity the whole time. And then I realized something:

scrubbing off the face up with the magic eraser was removing the uneven areas in the dye job.

I decided this required an experiment with trying the face up again without airbrushing first and, sure enough, it worked! There is only one spot on the side of Esky's nose where it's messed up, and it's not bad enough that I'd be worried if anyone saw it.

Tomorrow (or sometime) I may go in and try to fix Shino with said magic eraser.

 Picture of the new face up. Which I'm not entirely pleased with, but at least it doesn't have silly explosion spots.

1 comment:

  1. It's Esky, soon to be brothers with Loki and Mihael. :v Well, I mean, if Mihael were a doll!

    You shouldn't worry so much, I really didn't think he looked awful! (Esky always looks mad sexy, unf unf unf!)

    I loves his nose. And his thin lips. And his frowny eyebrows! <3

    Also, 'splosions are super manly anyways!
