Tuesday, July 10, 2012

rings and fabric hunting (a.k.a. dolls as fanart: part 3)

I've been searching through my collection of fabrics for things that might work okay for Batu. I've found a few things that should probably work at least relatively well.

Since he's not yet on the body I'm sure he's going to stay on, I'm not sure if I want to make him clothes yet. I don't want them to end up way too long. But I did make him a billion rings after going through every picture I could find of him and writing down when I saw rings and on which hand. I did give him a left thumb ring even though I only saw one on the right but I ended up with more rings while I waited on some to try. (had to super glue on the gem dealies and the red ones for some reason took WAY longer to dry than any other color)

Edit: got my hands mixed up. I had documented a left thumb ring but not a right. So my mistake was probably for the best.

Also I had no idea of what color they're supposed to be. I liked the idea of reds, but as mentioned above, they weren't really cooperative. And it's hard to find craft jewel things in the right size that aren't stupidly expensive.


  1. Oh man you do jewelry so well - better than a lot of the people I see selling it. I have no idea how you get so clever with this crap; I'd never be able to figure out how to do this sort of thing. Just like, see something and think "I can make this into a ring," or "I can turn this into a crazy phoenix guy" or yeah, I don't know. xD

    1. thank you! They aren't super great on all sides (like underneath) since doll fingers aren't perfectly circular so sometimes they have to be in odd shapes or not meet up at the bottom and such.

      But I love goin to stores and looking at things and thinking about what they could be turned into. I think this just makes me overly obsessed. XDD I really like doll jewelry making though! It's a lot of fun.
