Wednesday, December 9, 2015

trying to get back in the swing of things

I haven't really been feeling the bjd hobby for the past few months. Well... I haven't really been into any of my hobbies. Been sort of a job-hunting zombie.

And I've also just been busy.

But the other day I did my first face up in ages. I got a Twigling Eloy a few months back and he's just been sitting there on a spare body (I have a few of those now thanks to some head sales...) being all blank and stuff.

I considered just selling him because I wasn't sure I'd find the motivation to do anything with him, but then I got it in my head that I should give him a face up first to see if that helped.

So I dusted off my face up supplies and set to work.

Here is a terrible picture of him in the obligatory temp wig that half of all newbies wear at some point. My original idea (and like 90% of the reason I ended up buying him) was to have him be an older brother for my Lyse because I felt like they had similar features (particularly in the nose and eyes).

"But Lyse doesn't even have a name yet. What are you doing buying other dolls to be her siblings?" you might ask.

Well, you'd have a fair point and I can't say that I can fault your logic. I'm not sure my head was on right when I made this decision. It might help if I had an idea for a specific look for him. Not sure the fur wig is really doing him any favors. Also he's borrowing Kael's clothes cuz that's the body he's on and I don't currently have a head for Kael.

I should really sell some of the spare bodies though. That would be the smart thing to do.


  1. I'm not sure "smart" ever really applies in this hobby XDD

    I'm happy to see you back!! I can only vaguely remember the horror of job hunting (I've been at my job forever now) as I've mostly blocked it out of my memory. It consists of a lot of pointless interviews from people who "just wanted to meet you but need someone with more experience". Screw them. I hope it's going well.

    I think the faceup looks great! What a fabulous head, I love the features on him. I think he looks alright in the wig, but it would be cool to see him in others too. I also have a random fur wig I put on almost everyone at some was the first one I ever made and it's purple. XD

    Omg what is it with random bodies this year? I have like, three or four. And the worst part is I need bodies so bad, just not the ones I have! I wish I could turn 1/4 bodies into 70cm ones. That would solve all possible problems.

    1. A very good point!

      I'm glad to be back. I keep meaning to make another post but I've had a busy past few days. And my camera hates me.

      Thank you though!

      I need to get back into wig making or maybe do something crazy like ... buy one. But that would require that I actually have a set idea of what I want to do. And I don't yet.

      Yes yes that is the worst. I also need bodies for some heads but not the ones I have.
