Here I am in my new goggles and face mask, getting ready to go out and work with things that I don't want in my eyes or mouth.
As sawing off pieces of things takes so little time, in my overzealousness I forgot to get before pics. So I'm holding up the piece I took off. This was from the center of the middle joint in a three-piece torso. Prevents the upper part from moving too far forward or back, but it limits posing ability. As I consider myself experienced enough to not be bothered by potentially floppy joints, I usually will err on the side of excess flexibility and just put a little more work into getting them to hold a pose.
A couple views of what I did. Still really rough but already much more functional. A few minutes of sanding will make that smooth again if I'm so inclined.
Next on my list of things to do was continue my modification of the Sephiroth figure. While browsing a forum on doing Pinky:St. mods last night, I discovered that nail polish remover will take off the existing paint on figures. So I headed out to the dollar store and acquired some and went to work on the back and lower torso.
I plan to keep that raised area on the lower torso because I am being entirely too amibitious and want to make him have removable pieces that would allow him to switch between Tempest Keep Kael and Magister's Terrace Kael, and once I've sanded the sephiroth-esque details off that part it would work fine for part of Kael's outfit in Terrace.
A few more paint coats were added and then I put the front and back of the head together again. I'll probably use some sort of weak glue on it once I know for sure I'm happy with everything, just to make sure his hair doesn't spontaneously fall off. Though maybe I'll leave it since if I want to do Terrace Kael I might need to make a different front piece that could be switched out.
And lastly, did more work on the ear add-ons I made (for bjds, not humans). I decided to use the method that Soom seems to use with their bjds and make the ears sort of fit around the head's default ears. I have, on several occasions, used epoxy to add ears onto heads, but for something this large I wanted to make it detachable for transportation purposes.
They're really rough in some parts because the molds I made to cast them in weren't quite perfect because I was being lazy and didn't want to wait 12 hours for a multi-part silicon mold to harden. Little bit of sanding should get everything nice and smooth though. I also possibly want to work on thinning out some parts to make them less bulky.
I also want to finally finish sanding and painting Sasori's 'heart'. However, I'm not sure if I want to use the color scheme from the anime for two reasons: 1) the anime deviated from some of his colors as shown in the manga. 2) they didn't seem like the sorts of colors that would go with something that was clearly one of the few organic pieces left of him.
I'm going to give it some more thought and spend some time staring at both manga and anime pictures before I make any final decisions. If anyone has any opinions or arguments for or against that particular coloration (or if some magical colored manga picture of it has surfaced that I was unaware of) feel free to say something.
Edit: Sasori's temporary paint job. Because I live for instant gratification.
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