Last night I stayed up really late for a variety of reasons so this morning when I woke up I drank some coffee to kickstart my day. When I don't eat enough, coffee makes me shaky and manic to the point of delirium. But if I have enough food it's like some sort of miracle drug. I have tons of inspiration and patience and I'm really hard to discourage. It's hard to bring me down when I've had coffee. (Oddly enough, other forms of caffeine ingestion do not have this effect.)
So, high off my coffee and semi-success with fixing Esyrlon's outfit, I decided it was time to do some mod work on Matthew. For those who haven't been keeping up, I found a smaller head for him that will be more in scale with everyone else and my main criteria was that I wanted a similar shape and expression to his old face. Well I found something but there were a couple things that I felt were slightly off. (The most major of those being that his upper lip stuck out way too far)
So I wiped off his hastily applied arrival faceup and grabbed my handy dandy zillion grit sandpaper and went out to my lovely lawn chair I acquired when it was abandoned by moving neighbors.
Then I set to work on several hours of sanding. Most of that was bringing in the upper lip but I also did some work on his eye shape. I ended up having to re-carve in his lips because the mouth was kind of shallow so it was kind of lost in the process so half of it has been reconstructed. I made the tear ducts more obvious and opened the eyes more and sanded down the eyelids in the center.
There's a before and after pic. It's kind of hard to see some of the changes but I feel like it adequately shows the upper lip change. At least somewhat. I wish I'd gotten a profile shot of the before.
Here's how the profile looks now:
You can see that the upper lip still sticks out further than the bottom but it's not as pronounced as before.
I'm quite happy with how he looks in person. I don't think the pictures captured it super well but that's not really a huge deal! It makes me happy that I can look at him and not feel like something's off. (No offense to the original sculptor. His default look would work just fine if I didn't have a really specific thing in mind for Matthew).
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