I designed an outfit for Esyrlon a while back after getting some new fabric that I thought would drape well, but I put off actually making the thing because often my sewing projects don't work out exactly as planned and I get frustrated and give up on them for ages. So it kind of takes a lot of mental gearing up. Convincing myself to persevere even when things inevitably don't go as planned.
So last night while browsing around the sewing subsection of DoA I found some tutorial on how to make something called an 'infinity dress' or something along those lines. I liked how flowy the dresses were and the tutorial was really simple, so I decided to use it to make something for Esyrlon to wear. Or.. use a modified variant on it.
So I kind of did something between the aforementioned dress pattern and the way I've seen various people make miniature yukata. It's massively oversized because I wanted it to have a lot of extra drape (right now it's kind of like the spawn of a poncho and a yukata). The sleeves are so big they fit on my arms. I'll work more on modifying that tomorrow probably.
It's hard to get a picture of everything that's going on since Esyrlon is too loosely strung and can't stand well on his own (that needs to be fixed at some point too). The inner layer is ... not what I was going for. I considered just going for something similar to the outer layer but more form-fitting but then got this brilliant idea to try my hand at something with a high collar again (because I failed utterly at that when I tried it with Avelarion). Well.. I figured out how to do a high collar without needing a zipper, but I don't like it with the outer layer. XD Maybe if I sewed it shut in front so it didn't flop like that...
After I get the outer layer fixed up properly, I have plans for a belt, a multi-layered pseudo butt-cape, and some doodads to hang down around the shoulders. Hard to explain that last one. I also designed a cloak dealy to go with it but decided that might be overkill and decided to throw the cloak design in for Theorin since he is actually described as wearing one and loans it to Avelarion at one point.
I think once the outer layer is taken in so that it fits properly, we see less of the inner layer (it's mainly there because outer layer is translucent and I wanted white as my accent color), and I fix that collar, I'll be happier with it. It's still a bit shinier than I wanted (and looks like a nightgown without the outer layer over it) but I think it might be able to work. I'm hoping that addition of more 'accessories' (cuz I'm not sure what you call things that are part of an outfit but aren't strictly necessary) will help bring the whole thing together.
The headgear and necklace are something I was just fucking around with. They were both around his neck but the collar makes the smaller one not fit so I turned it into a head dealy... cuz he's royalty so... I thought it might be fitting. I'm still on the fence about it. I do want him and Theorin to have some sort of... fancy thing to denote their rank.
That reminded me--while searching through my supply of various accents and accessories I've picked up in the past with dolls in mind, I found this:
Here Elaria is modeling it for us. I had decided a few days ago that she needed something around her neck, but I'm not sure if this is what I had in mind. The metal isn't gold so I'm contemplating painting that if I do keep this as part of her ensemble. That's about it I believe.
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