This modification project has been a long time coming. I got Ezsphrein in November of 2006. That means he's been with me over 4 years now... wow. Sorry, took a moment to sit and ponder that. Anyway, at the time I was inexperienced and had no expectations. While he continues to live up to my expectations in many ways, I quickly found that there were bodies out there that did not want to make me tear my hair out in frustration. So today, after being inspired by looking at modification threads on DoA, I decided to attempt to fix what I considered to be Ezsphrein's one major flaw.
Ezsphrein's (Lati Chaim) torso. Anyone who has ever worked with a one piece torso should know why this is a source of frustration to me. Some people really like the look of uninterrupted torso--no joints to ruin the nude photos sessions. Despite Ezsphrein's penchant for gay porn, he wanders around clothed. And even if he didn't, this whole leaning back when he sits thing had to go.
I've marked off the spots I'm planning to cut/mod. The above picture shows a better example of what I did to the lower torso. Really minor stuff, so we'll mostly ignore that. But the upper torso needed a joint, in my opinion. And I've seen quite a few of these under the pecs/breast/whatever joints and wanted to try one out.
Here is the tool I used. It's the blade from a coping saw wrapped with tape on one end. I ended up cutting off the other end where it attaches so nothing would come between my mini saw and my mod work.
I have begun to slice open the torso from the back. Because I wanted to cut at an upward angle on the front of the chest, I didn't think it would be viable to start there.
and more cutting. Progress is being made, slowly but surely.
After nearly three hours of sawing, the torso is finally in two pieces.
side view of the 'damage'.
After this I pulled out the dremel to hollow out the upper torso piece some. This is it after a fair bit of dremeling.
This one is mainly for reference so you can see how thick the resin was. I was covered in the stuff after dremeling out that much.
I sanded/dremeled down the lower torso some so it would fit a bit better in the upper torso's curve. I'm planning to go back in with epoxy and do some additive work on top of that but I was quite tired after all the work today.
Here it is from the front.
And here is Ezsphrein, able to sit up without leaning back so far I worry he's going to fall over unless I put something behind him.
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