Friday, November 14, 2014


I finished off my 6 month layaway back in September and then waited another two months for Dollzone to finally complete my order. But now, at long last, I have my DZ Raymond head that I ordered to replace my previous Kael.

And adhflijwrkewjrkwejifdsujfiosdjwerjakjdskj I love it so much. I think the blank head looks way too young to be Kael but it's fantastic and I am so smitten and I have not felt this way in so long. It's so cold out I'm not sure how well face ups will work out but perhaps I'll attempt to give that a go later. Or just wait and see if we get a random warm day. It is Texas. It will likely happen. And I can live with him blank. His face has wonderful structure.

I really didn't expect to be excited. I've been on sort of a semi hiatus from actively doing anything with my dolls for a while now and I thought it would be such bad timing on this head arriving. I thought I'd look at it and think "well this is nice" and then put it on the body and forget about it for a while. But noooo he is so fantastic.

His poor hair is a mess after spending 8 months in a box. I'm going to have to try to figure out how to fix that because this will not do. For now I'll let it slide and he can be disheveled and blank and sit on my desk next to me and watch me play WoD (or wait in the queue to). But we'll get this wig issue sorted and spend some time giving him a proper face and he will be perfect and wonderful!

I'd take pictures but he's such a mess it wouldn't do him justice. Maybe later.


  1. Yayayyayahappytoseeyouagain!!!

    I LOVE DZ Raymond, I can't wait to see yours (even blank!).

    I just did Seven's faceup in the snow. Like, an actual snow storm. It'll probably rub right off! lol I just couldn't wait another day. I don't really recommend doing that XD Hopefully Texas weather will come through for you! :D

    1. Thank you! The weather is still a bit cold. It was probably warm enough yesterday afternoon but I was off doing other things and just didn't get a chance to mess with face ups. Perhaps tomorrow if the weather is decent!

      I'd probably be more impatient if his wig wasn't a complete mess and I wasn't worried I was going to mess up horribly on the face. XD Otherwise I'd be out there like you in the cold doing it even though it was likely to mess up!
