Tuesday, April 14, 2015

selling things

I've been considering selling some things for a while but I get unreasonably attached even to things I don't plan to use.

I recently pulled out the sleeping Vivien head I modded and decided I liked it a lot better than I originally thought. Probably even better than the default head. I am very reluctant to sell either (despite having no need for TWO Vivien heads) because I know it is very unlikely that I will ever get a chance to own this head again.

After agonizing over it for a few days I put the default Vivien head up for sale on DoA. I love the head and it works really well for the character, arguably better than the one I modded, but I just don't feel that... pull. There's no sense of attachment. But there is with the one I modded, so I've decided I'm going to keep that one.

I also decided I'm really never going to make use of my Sist Bully face again or the Impldoll Charles head that came with the body I got for my L-bi.

And after holding onto it for a bazillion years after I wasn't using it anymore, I also listed my Latidoll Chaim head. This is another one I know I will never get back if I let it go and I'm not sure if anyone will even be interested in it so many years after its release but it's just sitting around doing nothing in the head cabinet so I might as well see if someone else wants it.

I did not list my Soom Sphaler even though I probably should have. I completely forgot I even had the head (which is never a good sign) but I'm going to give it more time to think about whether or not I want to pursue the project I had in mind for the head.

In other news, some other sales went through and I was able to gather enough funds to acquire a secondhand Lillycat/Cerisedolls Lyse. She'd been on my wishlist for a while and even when I wasn't sure when/if I would ever find time and motivation for the hobby again, I still wanted her.

She's in cream skin instead of caramel like I originally wanted, but she's absolutely lovely and I'm completely smitten. I don't own anything that fits her so she's been sitting around in a massively oversized plaid shirt I got at one point when my friend was considering making a Marshall Lee doll.

Her posing is FANTASTIC and so natural. She makes almost everyone else look so stiff and lifeless by comparison.

I will have to try to get pictures later! For now I must be off to work!

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