Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lyse Photos

Okay so here are the promised pictures of my Cerisedolls Lyse! Yesterday it was very dark and rainy and I could not get anything that looked even half good enough to be photoshopped into something other than an abomination.

Today the lighting is better so I was able to use photoshop to make something SLIGHTLY less abominable. When I get more money I'm getting something better than a point an shoot that might as well be "baby's first camera". It's the worst. XD

I am adding a cut since there will be some NSFW pics. I tried to get some of her clothed but since she wears an enormous shirt half the time (because I've been too lazy to sew. Also I don't know what I want her to wear yet) it hides her figure and makes her arms look awkward.

So for starters we have a truly hideous pic of her just sitting there. My initial plan was just to keep the shirt partially on but then the arms weren't looking right or visible half the time so I decided to just go without it.

Despite the decent lighting, my camera is a piece of poob and didnt' want to get clear photos so this are filtered to death. I could not for the life of me get it to look okay or get even close to the right colors. However it was one of only a few pictures that come out even half way in the realm of viewable.

By some miracle, however, I did manage to get this shot looking reasonably close to her actual colors. You can also see her freckles, which I am very fond of. This was by far my favorite picture of the lot.

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