Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I spent years looking for the right mold for a character of mine, Avignon. At first I thought Soom's Olivine would be perfect and I got her during one of their christmas kit sales. I ended up having trouble bonding and sold the body. The head I kept and turned into my Lyric.

I then spent another significant portion of forever trying to find another decent mold for her. This time I decided on Souldoll's Ignis. I found one that was quite a bit cheaper than retail on DoA's marketplace and this is what she looked like:

After about a year or two (I forget exactly) I decided I wasn't really doing anything with her. This photo was taken for her sales thread and it was one of maybe two photos I ever took of her. And it was the only one I took of her by herself. The others were all her with Loren (her on and off boyfriend).

Anyway, the sales thread was up for months and no one was interested. And then I saw someone else selling their Ignis and liked what they'd done with her. I thought about trying to change her look for a while, but decided to just keep bumping my thread. And then another few months passed and I saw another Ignis for sale that I liked. This time I was convinced that I just didn't like what I'd done with her, so I set about wiping her face so I could redo it.

After the redone face up, I decided to try different wigs on her. The one she is supposed to wear (pictured above) just wasn't working. So I got out the box o' wigs and started trying them on one by one. I ended up rather liking her in a wig that belonged to Sasori waaay back before I got him a more appropriate one for his character.

Here she is in a dress borrowed from Selly. Ignore the wet streak of hair. The wig had bangs in the front and I wanted it to have a part so I broke out the boiling water to fix that, and it wasn't dry yet in these pictures.

And here is a better shot of her face. But it's blurry. The camera batteries were dying and I didn't have time to get one that was in better focus.


  1. She looks great! I love that wig on her...she looks like a completely different doll.

    Lol boiling...I have a wig I need to get off my ass and boil. David is wearing a fur wig right now, something I swore I'd never put him it (in my head) puts him in a different time period than normal so I'm not sure what he should be wearing. ...That's too much thought to put into a doll >.<

    1. Thank you! :D

      I'm sorry about David's wig giving you trouble! Hopefully you can get something to fix that. I don't like when I can't find the right wig for a character and time period can be quite important!
