Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I believe this is my first box opening since starting this blog. Others can be found in the archives but they were re-posted from LJ.

 Yesterday while I was at work, the mail tried to deliver my Nabarro Cyril. (Which I have been waiting on forever. I stalked the sculptor for months in eager anticipation of his release.) And just so we're clear, by stalked I mean I visited their blog regularly.

Anyway, I woke up early this morning so I could make it to the post office before work. Here is the box-ception I was greeted with upon my return home.

This was the wee box within a box. I was, for some reason, under the impression that this head would be larger than normal and I might have to find some ungodly huge body for it. This box immediately put my mind at ease, as anything that could fit inside of it could not possibly require a larger than average body.

Here we have the first glimpse of his head.

And the eyes that were sent with it. Wasn't expecting free eyes, but that's neat! These won't work for what I have planned for the head, but I'm sure someone else can put them to use at some point.

And then I yanked out the head by the plastic bag. Thankfully, fuzzies did not go flying everywhere. I love his profile.

And here is the head, finally free of packaging. For now, he has absconded with Batu's body. The fit is good and I actually really like how the head sits on the neck, but the body is quite a bit too muscular for how I imagine Iyrilaeth, so someday we'll be finding an alternative. For now, this will have to do. Will have to attempt face ups after work.


 Here are some pics after a hastily applied face up to test out this mold's compatibility with Iyrilaeth's character. 

And here is a mock up of what I am potentially planning to do with the corners of the mouth:
The little dimply doodads at the sides have grown on me since seeing them in person but they don't really fit the character so if I do decide that this will work for Iyrilaeth, some modding will most likely be done.

And finally, a shot of Iyrilaeth modeling a wig I modified. Because I kinda sorta want him to have a fiber wig instead of a fur one. But I'm not sure this is quite his style even if I do like it.

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