Monday, July 7, 2014

And now for some completely un-helpful photos!

As promised, I was productive today. And as promised, I worked on coat making. Weird, considering I never stick to what I say I'm going to do. Or, almost never..

But today I did what I said I'd do.

I have no in progress pics of the construction because it actually started at around 3am before I'd gone to sleep yet. I was pretty excited about working on this project and wasn't having much luck relaxing for sleep because I kept planning out how I wanted it to work in my head.

Late night/early morning brain got the better of me and I didn't take drape into account when selecting my fabric, so I ended up with something a little more thin and floppy than I wanted. The collar is pretty much what I had in mind though.

I didn't have any spare black fur but I did have this jacket I bought ages ago on DoA. I was really new and had no idea what I was doing and bought it based on the description. The thread didn't have a photo and for some reason it never occurred to me that I could ask for one. So I got it and immediately realized I had made a huge mistake and would never ever use it and it has sat in a drawer ever since.

But it finally came in handy and I cut it up for the collar fur on this jacket/coat/thing.

Here are two pictures that completely fail to capture any detail. Pretty much just "Shino's face" and "fuzzy collar". Black on black may have been a poor choice in retrospect but again.. me at 3am. Not the best critical thinking skills.

My planning also didn't get to the point of planning out the rest of the ensemble. In my head just putting the coat over what he was already wearing (a black button up shirt and some black cargo pants tucked into boots) seemed like a fine idea. In practice, this isn't quite as stylish a combo as I had hoped. In part because the coat looks kind of like a fur collared bathrobe.

I was much more displeased with this whole ordeal earlier in the day when I was redirecting dissatisfaction with other areas of my life onto this project. However, I went ahead and dealt with the issue after many hours of resisting doing what I knew had to be done, and I feel a lot better now.


  1. I am sorry to say I laughed a lot while I was reading this.

    From what I can see of the coat it looks good! I am always a fan of fur and black on black on more black :D And I'm always impressed you can do anything at all in the wee hours of the morning when I've crawled back into my grave. I mean bed.

    And always a big yay for re-purposing old things you don't use!! It saves money and clutter! And the world! I've had a lot of sugar today....

    1. Well at least I made you laugh! This is a worthwhile accomplishment ! XD

      Thank you! The combination is definitely something I am a fan of but it's hard to capture detail with my crappy point and shoot camera. (it's even crappier than your garden variety one. It's marginally more expensive than a "baby's first camera" type deal. I was pretty broke when my last one died and I have this weird inability to replace something that functions even if what it does only barely qualifies)

      Sugar is totally good for you and an important part of the food pyramid! I could use more. I've been so tired the last couple days! But I have some sort of eye infection and I think that is stealing my energy.. silly thing.

    2. omg my dog had an eye infection thanks to the kitten who scratched her eye, and by the time I realized she was sick (all she did was lay around the house) and took her to the vet, they had to make her eyedrops out of her own blood!! It was both creepy and kind of awesome. I sort of expected zombies...I'm not sure why. Anyway, eye infections, bad.

      My point and shoot back in the day wasn't awful, but it refused to focus where I wanted it too, so it had to go. Sometimes I wish I had another one's so much easier than lugging around my big camera. And they make good point and shoots these days! But I hear you on not replacing....I had my iphone 1 until the 4S was released. The at&t people laughed at me when I upgraded....and the guy doing the actual updating called other guys over to show them my ancient plan...I like change, but I am cheap. Unless dolls are involved. lol

  2. Nicely done! What dedication! That jacket looks awesome!!! You kept working til 3 am, omg... Also i am glad crafting has made you feel better :) Shino looks so badass, i like what you did to his eybrows.

    1. Thank you! I have a terrible habit of staying up super late because I work best at night. XD
