Saturday, July 12, 2014

eye mods: Id

I was thinking last time I took photos of him, that I needed to bring Id's eyes in a bit because I'd opened them a bit too much for eyes to sit properly in them.

But I kind of put this off since it didn't seem like a very fun project and doing face ups on heads that small is scary.

Then yesterday I was ... doing something. I completely forget what. And I saw a picture of one of the little 1/6 guys on the Crobidoll website and he had these little teeth and I thought they were adorable and I decided that I wanted to not only bring in Id's eyes but also mod his mouth open a bit so he could have cute teeth too. XD

So I got out the epoxy and made his eyes a bit smaller. And, as always, I overestimated how much I'd need and mixed up too much, so I also gave him little elf ears while I was at it.

None of the pre-faceup pics turned out okay because it was night time and I forgot to turn the brightness back up on my camera. But here is one after the face up so you can see his ears. I should have sanded them more but I was impatient to see if his eye mods would be obvious once he had a face up so I just went for it before sanding more.

And here he is from the front. The eyes aren't even, which is something I also was planning tow ork on before giving him a face up, but again... wanted to be sure I was on the right track before devoting more time to it. But everything seems to blend in pretty much seamlessly around the eyes so I'm very happy about that and will go back in and work on evening them out when I'm feeling less lazy.

The worst part was doing the teeth, honestly. I'm terrible with using brushes on face ups as it is, but I'm even worse when I'm wearing glasses (and I can't wear my contacts for at least a few more days..) My eyes just have no idea how to make sense of something that precise when I'm wearing glasses. I'm sure with enough practice I'd get it down but it's very frustrating since I'm not used to it.

I can live with the asymmetry for now though. It's less obvious in person I think.

And some bonus shots of Shino after having his collar brushed so it looks less matted. He's sort of currently my favorite and has been sitting at my computer desk for the past week or so.


  1. I can't even tell there was epoxy added to Id's eyes. And teeth!!! How you managed to do that on something so small I'll never know. He looks great!!

    I can never paint teeth without making a huge mess. I usually just slop some paint in there and then clean it out. That way I don't have to be so precise....

    1. It was actually a very frustrating experience. XD I hate doing face ups or mods on anything small than an SD because detail work is the bane of my existence! I wanted to throw my paintbrushes across the room multiple times trying to paint the teeth! (which is pretty much why I'm being lazy about wiping him to fix the asymmetry on the eyes. I'll have to do that again! D:)

    2. I don't blame you! I really think his eyes don't need anymore work....they don't look that uneven, you can barely tell...and since most people are asymmetrical anyway he looks fine that way!

      Unless his eyes aren't fitting right....and even then that might be something that's fixable from the inside?

    3. Thank you! And yeah, that's a good point. People aren't symmetrical and if it doesn't bother me then I guess I shouldn't worry about it.

      The eyes are fitting fine really so I guess it's really not a big issue! :D Thank you!
