Monday, April 2, 2012

Ezsphrein's updated face

I was going to just be lazy and leave the old face up on. And then I tried to just touch it up and see if it could be salvaged. I was going to just leave that, but I left him sitting on my bed and since Selly comes in to say hi most days after work that kind of turned out to be my motivator. Because it was between redoing the face up so she wouldn't see the horror and hiding him somewhere she wouldn't see him. And I decided if it was bad enough that I would hide him then it was bad enough that I should get it done rather than put it off for another day.

So I wiped him clean and mixed up a bunch of thinned out liquitex matte medium to put in a small jar so that I can just shove a few drops in the airbrush whenever I need to seal a face in the future. (Another wonderful thing about the airbrush for sealing? Even if I accidentally spray it on so thick the face looks wet, it doesn't smear the face up like my other sealants do)

For attempt #2 I just scrapped the whole black ashy look and went for a more subtle thing with greys and browns. I"m a lot more happy with this attempt.

All the natural lighting was gone by this point, so this is taken in my room. No matter how hard I try to make him look angry, Ezsphrein always looks so cute to me. This isn't entirely a bad thing though. It's part of what drew me to him initially.

5 years of yellowing and he's still too white for what's supposed to match 'volks white'. XD He's not the paper white he used to be, but he's still quite pale. I find doing face ups on white skinned dolls really difficult. With normal skin I use a lot of browns and reds, but that's usually too harsh to use on white. Anyway... I'll leave the picture up on the last entry just so I can be reminded of my failure. XD


  1. You know it's funny but I'm the opposite. I've done so many WS faceups I tend to panic at first when I have to do NS XD

    1. yeah, I imagine it's something I'd get used to if I did it often enough! Do you have a lot of WS dolls or do you just redo Alex enough that's it become a non-issue?

    2. LOL funnily enough I fear redoing them like mad XD
      I do have a lot of WS, it's my "default" resin color. My only NS dolls are dolls I had no choice on or I wanted NS for some reason... I think I only have two of those though.

  2. I agree that this one looks more well done and put together than the last one! The other one wasn't bad but this one is just lovely. I really like his eyebrows!

    1. It's okay. I won't be offended if you say that the last one was awful. Because it was. Which is why I re-did it before you could see it in person. Of course... I was working under the mistaken impression you were keeping up with this XD so I may have been safer than I thought!
