Tuesday, April 1, 2014

face up: Atlas(?)

For about... forever now, I've wanted a Luts SSDF Cane. I was never super motivated to get any of their other sculpts even though I thought some of them were pretty neat, but for years now I have had Cane on my wishlist. The problem with the wishlist is that things that end up on it often get perpetually moved to the back burner. Especially if they aren't limited or discontinued.

About a zillion other impulse purchases or trades have made their way into the collection since I decided I wanted this guy and every time I had the money or saw one up for sale on the MP, I found some reason not to buy it. The face up didn't appeal to me. I'd have to pay shipping from a foreign country. I had something else I wanted that was more important. Etc.

Pretty dumb excuses for the most part since I almost always wipe and redo face ups and buying things from overseas is just a given in this hobby.

Anyway, after seeing a few companies discontinue some of their basic sculpts, I decided it was about time I went ahead and got Cane for myself on the off chance that Luts exploded one day and left me with no option to.

I had been warned his head was big but I just really wasn't prepared after collecting mostly smaller-headed dolls for the past few years. At one point my roommate had and Abadon head from Luts and we both found it to be a bit on the large side so I really should have expected it, but I didn't.

This was a while back and I didn't have the energy or motivation to give him a new face up and see if that helped me overcome the size issue, so after about a week of letting the head sit on my desk, it ended up in the head closet because I couldn't stand to look at it anymore.

I seriously debated just reselling it and probably would have if it seemed like it might move quickly on the marketplace. But the last two Canes I saw for sale stayed up there for months and months before finally selling, and I already have one head that refuses to sell so I just left him alone.

Too much back story. Moving on. My airbrush was being particularly well behaved yesterday (I only really use it for sealant and color matching because I have thus far been too impatient to practice using it to actually do parts of a face up for more than two seconds in a row) so I decided I needed to get at least one other face up done today.

I looked around for someone to redo and was having trouble deciding. I considered just redoing the face on my mod project (a Panda Workshop Bene for those who were curious) but then I remembered I had this Cane head sitting around in my head closet. So I took him out to the porch and set to work.

Before he had eyes and a wig, I was certain the head was going to look too severe for the character I had in mind. Once I had him properly put together on the spare body, I felt like the face up made him look entirely too childish and innocent.

Atlas is supposed to be Eskilys' younger half brother so obviously the next step was to sit him down next to Esky to see if they looked at least a little bit similar.

(some photos, the above in particular, really don't merit any kind of identifying marking because they are clearly not going to be enticing anyone to visit my blog if they stumble across it, but it has kind of become habit to hit my logo shortcut in photoshop)

Anyway, I feel like it works. They don't have to look super similar  since they're only half siblings. Not like Aura and Cailath who are supposed to be twins and failing at looking like it.

I'm quite happy with him now. Not entirely sure he looks the way Atlas does in my head, but if he doesn't work for Atlas I'm sure I can come up with something else.


  1. Nice! I think they do look similar, especially in the mouth-jaw area. I'm glad he's working out! It really is frustrating to get a doll you've wanted forever and then have it just not work.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, that's where I see most of the similarity as well.

      Definitely agree on that last part though. It's frustrating in general when a doll doesn't work out, but when it's one you've wanted for ages it's even worse. Probably because then I feel obligated to try to make it work and just end up getting frustrated if it continues to be uncooperative. I don't know.

    2. That's exactly it. The obligation to make it work is what makes it so hard if it fails. That's sort of how I felt with my Volks Heath head. I knew it wasn't right shortly after I got it, but it was so expensive and I did so much work to get it that I couldn't give up....and really no one was more surprised than me when I found out I actually liked the thing lol
