Friday, May 23, 2014

buying and selling

I was going to try to wait to post some updates until there were exciting pictures to be had, but I've been a bit too busy or distracted to work on much the last few days.

I got a Soom Sphaler head kind of on impulse recently. I put up a thread on DoA asking people what mold might work to make a doll of my Sith Inquisitor from Star Wars: The Old Republic and that was one of the suggestions for molds with similar facial structure. The other suggestions seemed like they might work but would take more modding. So I checked the MP and found one that was reasonably priced and sort of jumped on it.

Sphaler was never one of those molds I stared at longingly and thought "I have to have it one day" but I think he will work well. The eyes aren't what I'd want for the character, but luckily he's a Miraluka so the eyes will really never be seen. One day when I have an excess of funds I think it would be neat to make more of my various RP characters from MMOs in doll form, but for now I'm just choosing my favorites.

I also decided to get a Dollzone Raymond head for Kael. I put it on a long layaway along with a couple pairs of shoes through Mint on Card since I needed the order to be over $100 and the head alone wouldn't cut it.

It's not perfect for him but then neither was my Soom Vega head, and I made that work for years. At least this time it will be a head I am choosing because I really like the look of it and not just choosing it because it's what I have lying around, which is what I have attempted the last couple times.  Hopefully this works out better, but if it doesn't I'm sure I can find something else to do with the head.

I seem to have skipped over the selling part of the thread title. Not much to say. Been trying to sell heads I don't need or parts that I don't plan to use. This originally started because I wanted to bid on an auction for a Cerisedolls Lyse (I can't remember if I mentioned this) but I didn't win. I did decide to keep things up for sale and continue to try to clear out what I don't need or what isn't working properly so I can either upgrade or save for something else.


  1. I know this is late, but I have a Raymond in tan who is based on my drunkish Sin'dorei pally, and I don't think you will be disappointed(Assuming that you haven't procured him from the Great Dollzone Wait yet)! It's a very well-built, fine face with nicely sinking cheeks that really fit the old Sin'dorei aesthetic of Kael's model.

    I did fairly everything but actually squee out loud when I saw Kael in the old DoA WoW BJD topic. I've finally gotten my DoA after several years of being a lurker, and then an owner in the hobby, and he is definitely one of the biggest highlights of having access. Please take more pictures of him when you feel inclined! Kael is one of my alltime favorite Warcraft characters, and just to know that someone was willing to bring him to life in resin fills me with joy every time I think about it.

    1. Blogger needs a better system for notifying me of comments awaiting moderation! I only just now found this! So sorry!

      I finally completed all my layaway payments but I'm still waiting on Dollzone to ship the head but I'm quite excited to hear what you had to say! Excellent news! I'm very impatient for him to arrive now (not that I wasn't already)!

      I'm glad that you liked my pictures of Kael though! I'll have to get new ones when his new head arrives! And one day I'll have to complete his outfit properly XD
