Monday, May 25, 2015


Somewhat inspired by the Lisbeth Salander comparison, I decided new dude/lady/person needed some piercings. I completely forgot to work on that yesterday after work, but then as I was going to bed it suddenly occurred to me.

My initial thought was "okay keep this in mind and definitely work on it tomorrow" but my then my second thought was "you'll forget about it tomorrow." So I jumped out of bed and grabbed my tiny drill and some jump rings and set to work.

 Here is a side shot to show the ear piercings. I need to get out the x-acto knife and neaten up the hot glue near the ear. It looks a little yucky.

And in this one you can see the lip and eyebrow piercings. If I was to do it over again I'd probably make the eyebrows piercings look less like they are going DIRECTLY INTO THE SKULL but oh well. I regret nothing. Might add more later. Not sure yet. For now I am pleased. I didn't bother with the other ear because even trying to find it underneath the mass of hair was a challenge.


  1. I love it! I think it would make a great girl. What glue do you use for the face piercings? Every time I "pierce" a face they fall off :\ drives me nuts. I love the wig too.

    1. Thank you! I was kind of partial to going the girl route myself so I'm glad you agree!

      I didn't trust glue alone to do the job on the face piercings so I drilled actual holes and then glued them into the holes for (hopefully) added stability. Just used regular white glue (though I have been known to use super glue for such things in the past).

      Normally I would probably try to just use glue but since I'd already modded the heck out of the head I figured a few holes in it couldn't really damage the resale value any more than I already had (not that I had plans to sell anyway).

    2. I was wondering if they were drilled! You're braver than me....I haven't attempted that (other than ears - I drill all those, then they freaking lose their earrings and have holes. :| ). I may have to attempt superglue for faces. I get so tired of having to redo them. Eyebrow piercings especially are tough to get right over and over.

      I love her as a girl, she looks like she could kick all my boys' asses XD it's awesome.

    3. I think I may be less brave and more reckless XD I'm hoping none of them will fall out of the ears. I tried to squeeze all the holes shut with pliers pretty well but jump rings do crazy things sometimes so who knows.

      I think as long as you seal the face enough times before super gluing it shoudlnt' be a problem to get off when you need to (at least, that's how it's been in my experience but I've only done it a couple times so don't quote me on this!)

      She does look like she'd be good at ass-kicking! Now I just need to find her a proper body!
