Sunday, December 16, 2012

attempting to design clothes

As much as I kind of like the look of the temporary outfit I have Aura in, I want him to have something of his own that isn't made of spare clothes and Batu's belt.

So I kind of sketched out something based on Priest tier 9. It's simplified because I couldn't make that outfit without wanting to chuck my sewing machine out the window after about five seconds of effort. Among other things.

So I sketched this thing out. I can't decide between the more WoW!Priest colors of greys and whites and black or something. And then the more blood elfy colors of red and gold. Aura's first RP outfit was red and gold but his actual priest tier 9 is more greys and whites.

The red and gold is probably more Aura cuz he's a flashy arrogant jerk. (But I love him that way). And he'd look too much like a unicorn in neutral colors. His hair is already lighter than I'd hoped (but it's growing on me) so I think the red and gold would liven him up some.

It's really hard to resist the urge to picspam him constantly. I'm so utterly and completely in love with his sculpt.


  1. I second the red and gold notion; Aura is not a unicorn. He is an insult to unicorns everywhere. He should probably team up with Asherach, the Red (Space) Bull, because he ain't foolin' no unicorns.

    Rad designs though!

    1. He totally fools lots of people! Mainly because I write them as being fooled. I never actually got to RP him trying to fool anyone so I have no idea if it would have worked on people I wasn't writing to fall for his good act. XD

      But I'm glad you agree with the red and gold! I won't have to buy anything that way! I really like the way the colors from Batu's belt look with Aura so I was planning to do at least most of the outfit in the same fabrics with the gold brocade and red satin.

      Aura would totally team up with the Red (Space) Bull. It would be glorious. If they'd had something closer to his hair I would totally have made Space Aura. Iskavith, however, was loosely based on space Aura. Looks-wise at least.
