Wednesday, December 12, 2012

spam (because my new camera functions)

Just a quick update because I'm excited to have a functioning camera. It focuses so fast. I misremembered when I said I'd had my old one for six years. It would have been seven next year. It was old. And cost about 5 times as much as the camera I just bought today but such is the nature of technology.

I kept its old cord and put it on the new one to keep a part of it with me.

I have never had a camera that didn't require me to stop breathing to get a clear shot XD I'm very excited. (I don't need anything fancy. Just something that takes pictures. So this is a massively awesome feature for me.)

Here are two really quick shots taken next to my computer. I was super worried when the camera snapped the shots so fast because on my old one that almost guaranteed the shot was blurry. But then they weren't. It was so cool. XD


  1. Yay new camera!! That's awesome! And fast! It would have taken me ages to find and actually purchase one. Congrats, that's really exciting.

    1. Well I was on a budget and I'm not a professional photographer so... it wasn't that hard. XD I just needed to make sure it could take pictures really. I just kind of scanned a couple review sites and then wandered out to the store with my list of cameras I was considering. Only one of them was in stock so that kind of helped the decision making process. XD
