Monday, December 10, 2012

more exciting arrivals (and some minor body and wig mods)

After I got my Cyril, I ended up selling a body I no longer needed in order to get him one of his very own. I did want to get him a Dollshe body and was just going to save up for that, but then a super duper cheap Angelsdoll 70cm body was up on the MP and I couldn't pass it up. It was the v1 body, not the v2. If it had been the second version I probably would have passed on it because I had some issues with my v2 prior to doing rather extensive mod work on it.

Anyway, RIGHT after I bought that someone decided to put up a Nabarro Har head on the MP. This was my dream head. I had up a WTB thread and was checking the MP for it every day. Seeing as I had just recently spent money, I was initially going to just pass on this, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew I would most likely regret it for a decent portion of forever if I didn't get this head.

Back story is done. Skipping forward a week and a half or so: the head and body both arrived today after I ran down to the mail box every thirty minutes or so. Sometimes every five minutes. I was a little over eager.

The packages sitting on the dining room table. I was going to just tear them open but I thought this was worth commemorating.

I opened the Har head first. Here you can see the boxception going on.

The mini-box was really quite cute.

My first glimpse of Har's head.

And he's free! His previous owner modded his mouth and gave him elf ears. I shall have to break out the airbrush to do some color matching.

For color comparison purposes, here is the body next to the head. Har's head doesn't match anything I own but that's not really a huge deal for me. I've never been hyper-concerned with resin matching. This does, however, show off the one drawback of this body (in my opinion). I've never been super keen on how inflated the chest looks. So it was off to the modding table outside to fix that...

I marked off the area where I wanted to dremel down the chest. Couldn't really mark the top part where I wanted to deflate it a bit but I mentally marked that.

After some dremel work, this is what I had. Well this is after dremel and a bit of sanding. It was pretty ugly at this stage. I was starting to thoroughly regret my entire life.

And then I spent more time sanding and started regretting life a little less as it smoothed out. It's still uneven but I was starting to lose the light so I figured it was good enough for the time being and called it quits. The pecs are still kind of a bit much compared to what I wanted for Iyrilaeth, but I may just leave them for the moment because I'm not 100% sure this will be his forever body. I also chose not to sand off the junk for that same reason (Iyrilaeth is androgynous). In the event that I do decide I am perfectly pleased with him on this body and do not want something else instead, mod work will continue.

After giving the body a quick shower to rinse off any leftover resin dust, I decided to get to work on giving Aura a temp wig.

This was a regular, center parted blonde wig. Using the ever-helpful boiling water, I re-styled it to allow it to be tied up in the back. It's not perfect but it will do for now.


  1. yay! Congrats on a dream head!! That's super exciting! And lol my first breast-removal kind of went like that, only I didn't have a dremel >.< so there was a lot of time to regret life.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about dremels. I think I'm doing it wrong....every time I use one I end up with gouges all over my dolls! XP

    1. Thanks! Haha. I'm sorry to hear about that. Did my first one without a dremel too! Took forever. And I did part of it with wood carving tools and cut myself way too many times. XD

      Dremels are really tricky. I wish I had a multi-speed one because with how fast it goes it often slips around. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of it but it's slowly become easier to use as I've learned how much pressure to apply and which bits I like using best. I tend to just use it for things I can't use a saw on so that I can get more of the work done and then just sand from there to make sure things eventually turn out smooth.

      But then I get lazy or the sun goes down and I dont' get back to things for ages.

    2. I do the same only two FtM mods are still unfinished XD I took off the boobs and figured it was good til I could get around to the rest! I feel bad for Tween...he gots nuthin. At least Wyn has an attempt. They're both on my 2013 list to finish >.<

      I need to get myself a saw attachment. I need to do two neck shortenings and it will be much easier I think, with the saw.

      I really like your Dream head btw. I am looking forward to more pics! :D

    3. Haha yeah I'm kinda lazy about that once the boobs are gone. I have managed to sculpt some semblance of male parts onto both of them that I have, but I've never gotten around to trying to blush them to match the rest of the body. I guess it doesn't matter much if I'm not doing nude photos anyway. Hopefully you can get yours done though!

      Got some necks that are too long? I've only done a neck shortening once. I've thought about doing it on a few other bodies, but usually I just switch people around until all necks look appropriate with the heads on them.

      And thank you! I will have to try to get more pics up when I can get his face done in such a way that I am happy with it.!
