Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Id's new wig

A basquillion years ago, I drew the only picture of Id I've ever drawn, and I gave him this sort of bowl cut type deal or something. I don't know. I didn't put much thought into it, but for some reason I have adhered to it fairly strictly for years.

Today I finally decided that I wasn't entirely pleased with this arrangement, so I started grabbing other wigs in the orange-red range out of the closet and trying them on Id's head. I didn't really worry about them being the right size since I'm fairly confident in my ability to mangle a wig.

One of Orkas' old wigs looked pretty good on him so I decided to take it in some to fit Id's head. Just about the instant I got started, the aforementioned confidence disappeared. Orkas has always had fur wigs so it wasn't anything super challenging, but I was still a little worried I'd get the shape wrong and ruin everything.

It's a bit wonky at the top but otherwise works well.

Now if only I could figure out how to work eye positioning in dolls his size. It probably doesn't help that I opened his eyes myself and they aren't quite even.


  1. He's so cute!!! I love that hair color...I swear fur is so hard to get. If it's not on Etsy I've never seen it. What doll is he?

    Lol I just did the same thing with Boo V2 and the LTF who still has no name that I just got. She got one of his wigs altered. Which looks much better on her than it did him, and SO much better than the wig she came with...

    1. Err.. fake fur. Or... oh gosh my brain is drawing a blank I haven't had my coffee yet. But you know. The fluffy stuff that comes on fabric. Unless that's what you meant? In which case, I had no idea there was a shortage of it on etsy!

      Brilliant plan though! Glad to see I'm not the only one resorting to altering wigs! Are there going to be pictures? I'll head on over to blogger and see if there are already maybe..

      Oh and he's a modded Volks SwD Piccolo. I went through a phase years ago where I got a little mod happy and sort of had to alter something about every new doll I got, and even though I liked him all cute and sleepy I decided to open his eyes, but I had no idea what I was doing yet at the time so it was sort of weird. I kind of revisited the mods and tried to fix them up a bit last year sometime I think, so they look more like actual eyes now and less like strand half circles carved into his head!

  2. Yeah I meant fake fur. All my stores on Etsy seem to carry pretty much the same stuff, which is great for colors I use a lot of (like Green and Purple) but not so cool when I want something different.

    Altering wigs is fun! I do it a lot. Or at least sometimes. I wish I could figure Boo out...I'm sick of not being happy with him, and I think it's all his wig. Though I'm not thrilled with his faceup either...I might just redo him and little Boo at the same time....great, more stuff to think about....

    lol I don't think I ever saw his original mods...but his eyes look fine to me now. He's adorable! I think he looks great! I love his faceup.

    1. I hit reply twice...why did it still leave a comment?!

    2. Ooh okay I wasn't sure. I guess it just didn't occur to me that people might not have much of that on Etsy. But then I only recently learned that there was a market for doll related items on there so I"m not as familiar with what they have.

      I'm sorry that you aren't happy with Boo. Maybe a change of wig would help. In many cases, that's really helped me. It can be hard to find a good balance between what looks good on a doll and what works for a specific character though.. I have a few where I'm still trying to find something that works and it's very frustrating. But maybe the face up will help! Or some combination of the two.

      I'm not sure I ever posted his original mods on here. I did them so long ago and at that time I didn't really document my progress or anything. I hadn't grown addicted to writing novels about my projects yet! XD Thanks so much!

      And replies are finicky creatures. No worries. XD

    3. I'm thinking wig and faceup. Wig first at least (it's easier. Or not). Or re-thinking the character. I Think the real problem is I don't believe the head Dollzone shows in the promo shots of Ro is the Ro head. The pictures show it a little....shorter? More squished? Almost like a PS job or that head was a prototype and the "real" Ro head is what I have. I like it but it looks older and narrower to me. I need to try and figure him out though because I still like the mold for Boo....

      lol novel blog posts are fun!! I like to read them. And write them XD

    4. Oh, I hate when that happens. Is the one in the promo shot the one you really wanted? But yours doesn't look the same? That's really unfortunate. I've only had things like that happen a few times but it's always really frustrating because in theory you should like it but then what you physically have isn't working the same way.

      I am also a huge fan of the reading and writing of novel blog posts! I wish more people did them.
