Saturday, August 4, 2012


After completing Aeri's outfit, I felt like Esyrlon's was vastly inadequate by comparison. I was already a little underwhelmed by it, but it felt especially lacking after doing something that complex.

I sincerely wished he was a crossdresser so that I could make something similarly ornate and pretty XD Alas, he's not, so I had to find some way to make an outfit that was at least somewhat masculine but still reasonably interesting.

So last night I grabbed the sketchbook and drew this. His white satin under-robe deal w ill be modified for the main part of this and I'll probably use some of the leftover grey fabric from his over-robe for some of the accents. I may find some other way to incorporate the original grey robe too, but probably not for daily use since it's a pain to locate his arms in those mile long sleeves.

The belt was based on one I saw at Forever 21 a while back. Err.. based on a bracelet I saw there. So I went back there today to see if it was still there, but sadly they seemed to be all out and I was sad thinking I'd have to re-design that portion of the outfit.

I was almost certain I wouldn't find the exact same bracelet somewhere else, but I stopped in Claire's and they actually had one that was extremely similar. It cost more, but I wasn't about to pass up my chance twice, especially not now that I had a concept that included it.

I have to remove Esyrlon's head to get his outfit on and off, so while I had his head off anyway I decided to fix his scrawny Domuya body's neck.

Sard's neck hole is too big for it, so I had to make this silly hot glue neck piece to raise the head higher and give it some semblance of posing capability. This was never intended to be a long-term fix but somehow it stayed in use for like a year. Maybe more.

 But today I did this with epoxy. It's a bit weird looking without the head on, but with the head it's not very visible and should, theoretically, allow for better range of motion and make Esyrlon look like he actually has a neck without needing a neck piece.

Also waiting on Loki's head to dry after a healthy dose of airbrushing. Then it's off to face up land!

And the crappily face upped head:

 I would not post pictures of this, but since I will have to go back in and fix the eyes a bit more, I'm willing to humiliate myself. If I just think of it a picture that will later be useful to show progression, it's not too painful to post it where people can see. At least it kind of helps show off some of the facial structure. And you can also see the not-yet-complete wig that will be used for him. It needs some work to get it to behave and I have to redo the flippy parts in the back. But at least I managed to get it to go back like that.

And an update to show how Esyrlon's outfit is coming along. Looking a bit more dress-like than I was shooting for, but it's not done yet so ... there's hope.  Possibly. At the very least, this thing will be easier to take off and put on again than it was before. And his head functions. So there's that as well.

 If I was to do this again (which I don't think I will because it was annoying just to get this far) I would do this layer in the grey fabric instead of white.

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