Tuesday, August 14, 2012

face up crap

I ran out of Testor's Dullcote last night in the middle of a face up redo. I was trying to make my Elysium Hugo SN look less derpy for sales photos. I've been trying to sell him for about 90 years now with no luck, so I thought maybe that would help.

Here is his head now:

Not super great, but much better than it was before. He had a really really old face up I did like four years ago.

Anyway, the point of this was that I ran out of Testor's. And I didn't want to just stop for the night, so I broke out the airbrush and just airbrushed on Liquitex Matte Medium for my sealer on the outer layers. Those who have been following my blog for a while will know that for a while this was my sealant of choice.

That changed for a while after a run in with my airbrush where it got clogged and I didn't know how to fix it. Taking the whole thing apart didn't help. Then I woke up one morning spontaneously sure of what the problem was and got it working easily. I haven't had a problem since. I just fell out of the habit of using it for sealing layers.

But last night I picked it up again and got a few face ups done. I did this one and I re-did Statik. And I messed a bit with Selly's Souldoll Agnetha head (and for that I am sorry. It'll be easy to wipe. I was just going mad with power and needed something to do faces on...)

I messed with the white balance on my camera for the Statik photo. It came out ultra blue.

I was relatively pleased with this (and by that I mean displeased but not so displeased that I wanted to chuck his head out a window and/or wipe it and start over) but then I put his wig on and he looked way too pissy. And I hated it. Enough to wipe it (but not chuck it out a window). So he has been wiped and I will try again shortly.


  1. Is it wrong that I kept laughing while reading this? I cannot count the number of times I've wanted to chuck dolls out the window...Glad I'm not the only one!

    I think the faceups turned out great though! I really like the first one.

    1. hahah no no! Nothing wrong with laughing! You definitely aren't the only one! My first reaction when things go horribly wrong or when I'm frustrated is to chuck things out a window! Or off the balcony. But same basic concept!

      Thank you very much! The first one is the one that's not getting wiped so that works out well! XD

  2. It's sad that he doesn't look good with his wig on; that's a cute face up. :( And I don't mind if you practice on Agnetha! You should have taken pictars. I'd have been interested to see. :)

    Also, Hugo looks p. rad!

    1. http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/andarton/1817609/245442/600.jpg

      But I did take pictures. I just didn't post them because I didn't finish the face up. Because I felt guilty. XD

      Statik is super weird in that he always gives me trouble that way. He'll look fine naked and then I put his wig on and suddenly he's awful. It works out okay though because I felt the face up was uneven and silly at times.
