Tuesday, August 21, 2012

trying a new method of adding thigh swivel joints

I've been seeing people do this since I first joined DoA back in 2006, but I had never tried it myself. What I'm referring to is the use of PVC pipe to make a swivel joint in the thigh.

Normally I like to make it so the dolls can pull their knees up to their chests when doing a swivel joint, so I sculpt a rounded area with epoxy or cast it in resin (I used to have a small silicone mold to cast these in but I lost it in a move and haven't bothered to make a new one.)

Anyway, this PVC pipe method seemed simpler and easier so I had been meaning to give it a try. I brought small pieces of pipe for this about five years ago and only just today got around to trying this out.

I didn't take pictures because I didn't expect it to be worthwhile to do so. There are other tutorials on this subject and I've done step by step pictures of my other method of doing these before.

What I didn't anticipate was wanting pictures to compare and contrast the difficulty level of doing this vs. what I normally do. As it turns out, I feel like this is actually a lot more difficult (even if it is more straightforward) than my normal method. Getting the holes just the right size was very frustrating and I actually destroyed a dremel bit in the process. (Luckily it was one that I never use and since I never plan to do this sort of mod using this method again, I won't miss it much).

Anyway, Alek can now cross his legs and/or swing them off to the side. Good stuff. I marked off the legs for this mod about the same time as I got the pipe for it, so it's been a long time coming. (At the time this was Deidara's body but I'm not sure he'll be getting it back anytime soon).

Anyway, that was a bit more of a rant but oh well.

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