Saturday, March 24, 2012

face ups and photo spam

 Last night I did face ups for two of Selly's dudes: Fug, a Luts Abadon, and her as-yet-unnamed(?) Migidoll Miho. I'm always a little nervous doing face ups for other people because I'm not sure if I'll do them right for the character.

That's not to say that I don't enjoy it. I just worry more. And try to get it right on the first go. Which usually makes me a bit unhappy with the end result.

Here is Fug:

And here is Miho:

I had to wait until today because last night the room's lighting was eating the face ups. Alas, I don't really like how Fug's looks in natural lighting either... But it was my first attempt at incorporating acrylic paints into a face up in like... years. And I should really start trying to do that more but I have a really unsteady hand so that's always intimidating.

The good lighting inspired me to take a few more pictures of some of my own dudes though, so be warned... a bit of picspam ahead.

I started out with Lyric, whose hair I trimmed some last night. I'm not sure yet if I like it, but I find Lyric 90 kinds of adorable regardless.

Then I took a couple of Matthew, but I still don't feel like his head photographs properly. I'm quite keen on it in person but it looks different in photos somehow. Still, these two weren't terrible so they'll have to do.

Doppelganger never gets photo love. A lot of that being because he's not cooperative. I do try, but it seldom works out. Perhaps it's the more stylized head and the fact that I mostly work with semi-realistic ones these days? I don't know. But I really love this head regardless.

Also wanted to get some shots of Elaria, because all of hers are taken in terrible lighting. (Though one might argue that terrible lighting trumps a backdrop of a Spiderman blanket... I don't know if that person would win that argument but they might at least make a point)

Then it was Defliel (left) and Ezsphrein (right)'s turn for pictures. I got a close up of Defliel because he doesn't get much photo love either. Ezsphrein, however,  has gotten a fair bit of coverage throughout his time with me, including being the first to get a proper box opening photoshoot.

Avelarion/Al'ar is harder to photograph at close range, due to his plethora of crazy feathers and appendages.

And lastly, I decided to get a couple shots of Nazoe. He's the odd one out in my collection, with his MSD head that is larger than most of my SD heads. He's on a modified Shinydoll body so he's somewhere between MSD and SD size. Most of the time if someone doesn't fit in they get re-shelled, but Dollstown Seola was one of the first molds I ever fell in love with and I find Nazoe far too cute as is. So unless Dollstown makes a tiny Seola that I can turn into an MSD that's in scale with everyone else, I'm pretty much just going to leave him this way.


  1. Man, I always think that your pictures of Avelarion look like they could be some Soom monthly or whatever. Just the level of details and plumage is fucking intense!

    I was totally loling over the backdrop of the Spiderman blanket. It's so classy. :B

    I really like what you've done with Lyric's face up. He just looks so much like a rape victim and it's PERFECT.

    And I don't know what you're on about with dear Matt. Holy shit his head is amazingly cool. I want it. What is it again? I always forget. >: Derp.

    Elaria is lovely and Ez and Def make the KYUTEST COUPLE. I've always loved Ez's little smirky face to pieces. And Def is rocking the rape victim look!

    It's a shame you don't have many pictures of Doppel considering he looks so well put together, but then Doppel is also a moody gothic emo butt so that's prolly why.

    And I'm glad you don't replace Naz even though he doesn't quite fit as much... his face is too precious. :D

    1. Aww thank you :D I love him to bits and pieces! So much work has gone into him so I'm glad you think he looks good!

      Man... but spiderman blankets are SO classy! You just don't know! I could've put up a white backdrop or one of my old sheets or something, but I DIDN"T WANT TO. Cuz I wanted class!

      I'm glad you think Matthew looks good! He's a modded Souldoll Harace. :D It's not like it takes much to forget since I just got him recently XD

      Fanks much for all your lovely compliments! You are very kind!
