Wednesday, March 28, 2012

sculpted eyebrows and other mods

When Impldoll released Triton I was pretty excited because I've been trying to find a doll for a minor character of mine who is a water dragon. I originally tried getting a Vega Last Song for him but it didn't work out.

Basically, the representation isn't supposed to be 100% accurate to the character, but I want something that is similar and gets across the right feel. Technically Aeisthran is blue too but I didn't realize Impl would do blue if asked so I just went for grey because I've always wanted a grey skin doll anyway.

But anyway, I didn't do much with him for ages, but then a couple days ago I decided I wanted to make his eyes smaller and sculpt him eyebrows. He has a gill-beard so it seemed weird that he'd have hair eyebrows.

I tried them first in Premo but they fell off during cooking. Then I tried to cast those in resin so I could just glue them on his face, but my mold release didn't work and the silicon just stuck to itself and ate them. So I got some epoxy putty and just used that. Probably should have done that in the first place but it was late and I didn't want to wait until the next day to try them.

I threw on some paint and such so the white eyebrows wouldn't be so jarring. Everything's pretty messy (there was an experiment with a sort of drippy/watery texture going on with the upper half of the head) but I wanted there to at least be something before I took pictures.

I don't know what sort of wig I want for him. I considered just leaving him bald but if I go that route I'll probably mod like weird tentacles or something onto his head to make his head look less naked. Right now he's in a wig I made a while back because he's supposed to have white or grey hair and this is my only spare white wig.

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