Friday, March 23, 2012

painting doll nails

Despite the fact that Sasori and Deidara are some of my oldest bjds, they still didn't have their nails the proper color. (proper being used rather loosely since some argue that the canon color is purple or other variants on ... dark colors.)

Well, Dei's nails were black at one point way back in the day when he had an oldschool Domuya body. But then I sold that and never bothered to redo the nails.

First I did Sasori's and they came out pretty splotchy because I was just using straight up black acrylic paint on them. But then when the paint was starting to dry up before I could finish, I added water to it to keep it alive and that actually made it flow better (I should know this after like five years of art school but I'm not always the best thinker when I'm feeling impulsive)


Deidara's came out much more smoothly thanks to the water. I'll have to keep that in mind when I eventually redo Sasori's.


  1. Oh, I'm happy to hear Deida still exists! For awhile I noticed he kinda wasn't chillin' anywhere and I thought maybe you sold him and I was a bit sad to think so. Poor Sasori! But I'm glad to hear you still have him and that his fingers are sexy! I'm glad you know how to do all these things like mods and face paintings and hair doings because holy shit it makes this hobby so much more accessible (and cheap) for me. I feel like such an ass. I might have you paint me some nails at some point. I think Cleo'd look adorable with pink nails!

    1. Yeah for a while he was hiding out in the floating head cabinet because I attempted a mod on him that I wasn't entirely pleased with XD I still need to fix that at some point. I had to fix his wig after a long time of him being out of commission too because it got mad fucked up in the drawer. But I cleared off shelf space so the wigs won't share a place with clothes and get squished.

      I wasn't as excited about nail painting as about ring making but it is arguably the harder thing to do XD I just have mad love for my Dargonlands peeps. Was sad I couldn't fit anything on Elaria's hand. Not that Malesar's would have been easy with his crazy claws...

      Anyway, I'm fine with helping you with mods and other crazy things! Doesn't bother me at all! :) I'd be happy to attempt to do Cleo whenever!
