Saturday, March 31, 2012

first use of my airbrush

It's been over a year since I got it, but the thing is damned intimidating. And I must say that I'm a bit glad I was intimidated. If I'd just gone in and tried to use it without waiting until I was in a calm and patient mood, I probably would've chucked it off the balcony. There was a very specific consistency I had to get paint to in order for it to work, and figuring out which way to pull the lever and how much pressure to apply to get anything to happen was a bit of a pain initially.

Either nothing would come out or everything would come out at once. And then once I was comfortable enough using it on scrap paper and an old chair, I tried it on Kael's head and it just sent the paint radiating out in spindly patterns every which way. It took me a while to realize that I had to hold it pretty far back to avoid that.

I don't yet feel comfortable enough with it to attempt a full face up, but I did manage to blush my mods to Kael's face to match the rest of his head, so now he does not have extremely visible white marks around his mouth! And that's what matters.

If you look really closely you can still see where they are, but it's a vast improvement over being able to see them from across the room!

After this was done I gave him a new face up. This time I didn't have model viewer up so I could stare at the in-game model for Kael. I know this sculpt can pull off Kael, so I didn't really feel obligated to stick to it exactly.

I think I might have gone a bit too far in the 'subtle' direction again. Doesn't show up very well in photos. Oh well. This is what practice was invented for.

 In my room.

 Natural lighting.

And for funsies heavily photoshopped shot.

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