Friday, March 23, 2012

torso mod cont.: Customhouse body

Originally posted: April 11, 2009, 17:26

Today I broke out the dremel and attacked the lower torso piece, trying to make it nice and curvy so the upper joint can move around in it. The experimental temporary joint is cooking up as we speak. Or.. type.

Here I am covered in resin dust, holding up my modded lower torso (which you cannot see very well due to the lighting...)

The dremel sent the resin dust flying at about a million miles per hour so even wearing protective masks and eye wear didn't completely shield me from the rabid dust storm that ensued. As a result, I feel a tad woozy from resin dust inhalation.

Another cool thing about dremels as opposed to chisels and regular sandpaper-- for some reason the sanding attachments will go through resin like it's the slightly harder stick butter, but doesn't leave a scratch when it comes in contact with my skin. At one point I slipped and sent the dremel flying into one of my fingers. It didn't hurt but I was almost certain that in the next few seconds I would start to bleed profusely. However, while my fingernail was good and scratched, the skin was completely unharmed.

----a few minutes later----

As the cooking process has just finished, I will give the upper torso some time to cool down and then I'll test how well it functions.

The color doesn't match but as this is more of a test run, that's okay. It seems to line up with the lower part reasonably well.

Getting in the basic shape of the swivel joint/added mobility in upper leg joint.

Basic shape of both joints fleshed out. Added some ledges so it can lock into place and made a hole for string to go through. You can see the skin is lighter where my thumb ring normally is in these pictures.

Picture of how it locks into position. (After this picture I edited the lower half of the joint some so it would provide a more smooth transition into the leg rather than having this odd bump.

Leg joints are cooking now...

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