Monday, July 16, 2012

body mods: Zaoll Luv

Selly got a Zaoll girl in the mail today right before she had to head out for work. She was concerned about its posing capabilities since she'd heard they weren't the greatest in that department, so I suggested adding a mobility joint to the upper thighs and told her I could do that while she was at work if she wanted.

The body also didn't seem to want to sit all the way up, so I decided to lengthen the ... thing the string goes into. So here are the legs marked up for modifications.

The stringing channels weren't really in the center of the thigh, so I tried to move them over and then I hollowed out the leg area a bit and put some epoxy on the upper part I decided that while I was at it I would make it so the legs could be pulled up to her chest if such a thing was desired. The color is off but when I go back into smooth things out I could paint it if necessary. Won't really be noticeable with clothes on though.

While I was putting a face up on the head, I had tons of pinkish colors left over (because Selly wanted a pinkish color scheme) so I decided to try my hand at body blushing. I really had no idea what I was doing so I'm not sure it came out very well. The back especially isn't very pretty, but for some reason things kept wanting to stick to her butt....

Here she is all strung together again and utilizing her new mobility joints.

And with a wig and her legs swiveled to the side.

I don't have a lot of spare female clothes so I improvised with a piece I don't know how to use from the dress Avignon is borrowing and a random dress/robe that came on a tree topper I got ages ago. Aeri lacks the bosom to make closing it in the front a viable option XD Well... I could, but she ended up looking completely flat.

And I attempted to get a shot of her face so that Selly could tell me if I went in the right direction with it, but my camera didn't want to focus well.


  1. Um. Is that a doll arm coming out of the wall?? D:

    I'm jealous of your modding skills. That's amazing O.O
    I'm terrified to mod. I will do it someday...(when I get a respirator - I'm also terrified I'll buy the wrong one and do something horrible) but I fear. Especially body modding for posing. And I'm a little leary of opening mouths...which is why I bought that extra head.

    1. Oh, no no! I just have another doll sitting behind her in that picture! XDD

      Thank you :D I usually stick to mods I've done before or to bodies/heads that I don't have to worry about resale value with. Helps me to not be too afraid of doing anything crazy. XD Respirator is good though! Definitely important. Don't want lungs full of resin dust! I looked like I'd been out in the snow after working today!

  2. omg I bet! So much resin dust....It amazes me how much goes into a doll. Even a small one. I'll be happy if I can do a few small mods. I've done breast removal and penis removal, and I've reshaped most of my Kara Klums in the stomach area (Alex is too skinny for their tummy, cute as it is)...but that's it. I have big plans, I'm just really good at thinking up reasons not too XD

    LOL it looks like a disembodied arm!! You should stick to's funnier!

    1. crap, i didn't reply!! Xo

    2. It's okay, I get an email notification of all replies to the entry so I'll still get it even if you don't specifically reply to my comment XD

      I was pretty surprised at the amount of dust too! I was expecting a lot, but it's been a while since I've done mobility joints in the thighs so I had forgotten!

      Breasts have a lot of resin in them too though so that seems like a fairly serious mod! I've done breast removal a couple times and it's always quite an ordeal!

      I never noticed the stomach thing on the Dollmore bodies, but now you have me curious about that. I will have to go check on Doppelganger and see. XD

      And yes, perhaps I will stick to the disembodied arm story XD Just tell people I hang leftover limbs from modding projects on my walls.

    3. Disembodied limbs ftw.

      lol yeah, Dollmore Adams have a belly on them. It's super-cute (I left it on my unmodded fourth Kara Klum because I wanted one that wasn't changed), and adds to the fleshy, real look they have...but Alex is kind of under-fed skinny, so when he finally started looking right, I sanded him down. Someday I'll go the next step and mod one of them's on my list lol

      My first breast removal took forever because I only used sandpaper...the second was already half done when I got it, so it didn't take as long XD *cheater*
      When I sand I literally do it underwater, so I never see how much dust there really is....
      I'm not sure I want to know! XD

    4. I should try to get some sandpaper that works under water so I can do that! Would be great for when I want to do modding projects but it's too late for me to go outside because the porch light disturbs the roommates.
