Sunday, July 8, 2012

dolls as fanart: part 2

As mentioned last time: Batu belongs to Phobs

Worked more on sanding and did a bit more additive work. I was pretty happy with things until my airbrush decided to be a jerk about functioning and I ended up with a color that didn't match anything. And then my face up attempts weren't as successful as I had hoped for.

But progress pictures will be posted anyway...

 After some sanding and additive work (left) and after more sanding and airbrushing (right).

 And just a couple shots of the semi-finished head. I can't quite place what it is that I'm less happy about this time, but then I was also unhappy with it last time and it took me a day or two to stop feeling that way. So I'll give it some time.

Think I possibly made the chin too pointy and just didn't do the eyebrows in a way that I'm happy with. If I didn't have to airbrush the whole thing every time I wanted to fix anything it would be a lot easier to mess with it. But he is a lot smoother than before, so there is that at least.

Another possibility is that I'm not happy with the mouth. I feel like it's not expressive enough. I wish I was better at sculpting expressive mouths.

Also, I need to invest in an eye beveler so that I can get his eyes to sit properly in his head and not have to worry about them looking wonky if looked at from any angle aside from straight on.


  1. I think he looks a lot better than he did. He's all smooth! I mean he looked great before, but he's looking even more good now. D: And the picture you linked earlier that you based him off of, I mean, he has the same mouth. I just don't think bjds are often suited to the wide smirks that Batu has sometimes, and that's prolly the look you're favoring internally. I don't know, I just know it didn't look right on that one I saw that one time. Which is sad, because you know me - I love my guys smirky. As far as how he looks now, I feel like he looks really spot on and that you did a good job. Like, a really good job. And Phobs has pretty pointy chins!

    1. Thank you, kind Selly! I probably am just having issues because I love how expressive Phobs' drawings are and I feel like I'm doing something wrong by not going in that direction. But hopefully once he has clothes and such I'll feel better too.

      Thank you very much :)

  2. I dunno...Looking at the art and your head, I think you did a damn good job. The chin might be a little pointy, but in some of the drawings it looks pointier than others, so maybe not. (I realized while combing through that gallery I'd faved some of Phobs works in the past!)

    It's hard to translate 2d art into a doll sometimes...part of it is the loss of expression. Yeah, BJDs are expressive, but it's not quite the same as having several different emotions on a face. I feel that a lot with my dolls...

    And, I have a Uri Rich head in line for mods too! Poor guy, he's the extra head in a lot of owners collections XD

    1. Thank you! I think you pretty much got to the heart of the problem with the bit about it being hard to translate 2d into 3d sometimes.

      I'm amused that you are also going to be modding an Uri Rich. XD At least being modded means he'll get a chance at not being the extra anymore, potentially!
