Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Esky's new goggles

Before I 're-shelled' Esky, he had goggles. But they didn't fit right on his new head. They were big enough, but the proportions were different and they looked wonky on the new one.

Here is a crappy picture of old Esky with the old goggles, just for reference. (In the middle)

Anyway, I"ve been saving a sheet of plastic for ages to try and make new ones for new Esky, so I cut out a rectangle and wrapped it around his head and drew in the shape I wanted. Then I attached it to spare elastic from a pair of safety goggles. Here is Esky modeling the goggles in their beginning stages.

And here is how they look when they are not on his head.

The airbrush doesn't want to stick to them very well, so I've been doing it in very thin layers and letting each one dry before I do another. This is how the goggles look after four layers. This may be the last one I do, depending on how it turns out when dry.

And the completed goggles on Esky's face. Someday I may go in and add some accent dealies around the edges but for now this will work!


  1. Yaaay new Esky goggles! They look so good on him. It makes him look all spooky and mysterious! <3 I really like your watermark. I wanna make a watermark now. xD

    1. Thank you thank you! Yeah I was amused by the difference between the first picture of him with the clear goggles on and the last pic with them all black!

      And thanks for the compliment on the watermark dealy XD The only thing I've done with my graphic design degree since graduation. haha
